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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, incidunt iusto, asperiores vero atque facere voluptates in ratione amet eaque eligendi, culpa distinctio modi consectetur! Facilis non iste temporibus iusto suscipit, ipsam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, incidunt iusto. Asperiores vero atque facere voluptates in ratione amet eaque eligendi, culpa distinctio modi consectetur! Facilis non iste temporibus iusto suscipit, ipsam.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dicta, incidunt iusto.


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    02 May, 2023 @ 08:21am

    bruses te amo soy super fan de ti ✨✨ moved
    to an island off B.C. Canada. Seniors now, we have no
    regrets, going on 50 yrs!! Also saw your Ft.
    William pic on the wall. I was born in Ft.
    William, Ontario, a proud McLean member.[Our pipers beat the Scottish band from F.W. many years ago. My unc was pipe major. Much gloating!! Love to you both and pet Jack for us. Maggie[ Ian's wife XO]|I wish I could aford skylink.
    Even though I live near a very heavily populated area, with fiber not available in my area (street block), my best download is 6.0 and upload 7k-1.0 and I tell ya folks,
    if I could afrod this, I would.|Where is your introduction theme song, please don't bin it.
    Looking forward to the next verses. Now your up and running, its your song
    associated with coming up adventures. love your channel.|Wow!
    Impressive technology. Truly informative article.
    Glad y’all are getting settled into your new life in Skye ♥️|Well done Starlink,
    and you two|The second time I do a speed check I always get a slower speed|Great news guys!
    I was very nervous for you and the setup. About 5 years
    ago when I was looking at remote scottish properties the broadband internet connection was the biggest concern and off put.
    But with this it puts any location within reach, love your views out the window
    and the pup randomly appearing!|Do watch those winds, in Kendram we often see things flying away off to the outer isles, make sure we
    belt and brace anything that the wind may like to play with|was it you guys had a gadget in loft non lethal
    mouse deterrent thingy what was it where can i get one plz HELP LOL|That
    Starlink is obviously working, haha|Do you pay
    for the satellite disc and router and a monthly fee? Or just the one time purchase of disc
    and router?|Thank you for this article. Eye opening as out coal fire Broadband
    here in South Devon is awful with speeds as
    bad as Skye whenever i test. Sadly price will prevent us upgrading to Starlink.

    I'll have to take the laptop out for a coffee and use their fast fibre
    once a week.|Thanks for sharing. We are moving to a remote location on the west coast in the coming weeks.
    Re-assured by your article. Could you let me know what the
    costs are - as some have said it is very expensive per month.|I am
    so glad your Starlink worked for you. It is wonderful to have
    a good service provider and stay connected to the rest of the world as you choose.
    Happy 2023.|Good , look forward to the next article.❤️|Could put up
    a bird-feeder or two - suet hardens now, seeds the thing.
    If the dog wouldn't object too much!|One of my neighbours has Starlink,
    just too far from the exchange for usable broadband, they have been happy with it… I’m lucky to be nearer the exchange and get nearly 40meg download….

    Not bad for a wee bothy in rural Aberdeenshire |Won’t last long !
    The first proper wind that comes someone on Harris will have it in their garden , seriously you guys haven’t seen bad gales
    yet ! Everyday is a school day ! Good luck from NW
    Skye|Wow, that's a faster speed than many people
    in urban areas get if they're stuck with ADSL. What's the latency like -
    can you do article calls or is there too much lag for that?|So happy
    it worked! x|Aiden on @BuildingAcerView went
    for Starlink a while back and seems to be very happy with it.
    He was even recently interviewed by a foreign language TV station about it.
    Aiden learned the hard way that they can and do get blown around/over
    when not secured!|It's so good that the Starlink worked for you.
    I have no mobile signal where I live in Devon, unless I hang out of my upstairs
    window, or walk up the lane! So at least I have a landline telephone,
    and the internet, but the speed is very slow as you
    can imagine! xxx|Great news for you and also for all of us that it's working so well for you.
    You were getting better download speeds than I get here in a major Australian city |How
    amazing to be able to get your Wi-Fi from the satellites
    spinning around up there. So happy it’s working for you.
    I’m really enjoying watching your journey ❤️|You got
    over double the speed of my central london home.
    Good job!|Great news, loving your articles|So interesting.
    You're getting better speeds than I do and I'm in the middle of the UK.
    Thanks for this. I'm loving your Channel.|So glad it’s
    working for you guys, another problem solved.

    Take care and thank you for sharing your review ❤️|Good that it
    is working out for you. Being out in isolated areas, it is good to find something that can work out
    there. Thanks for the info on it as I will be living off the grid
    soon and may need something like this.|So glad Starlink
    is working for you! You’ve made the transition to a remote life look so easy and appealing!
    I hope you continue to enjoy this new life. Cutie
    Jack Spaniel seems to love it…the tail never stops wagging!|Nice
    that Starlink is being good to you keep up
    the great work on your new home |Shoot
    some article of that happening. I seriously doubt your naked eye claim.|well done guys, you made it look
    easy. if you have spare cable at the router end, i think if you curl it up into a circle about 4inch dia and simply tape it together, it may stop static interference been picked up on the cable outside, which could create noise and reduce satellite signal strength.
    cheers : from nz.|God bless technology eh? Glad it is working for you!

    |Don't you have a lawn mower ?? Grass is a bit long hey ?????|Excellent!
    So glad it worked. I just discovered your channel and I would miss it.|Congratulations On connecting with STARLINK|I just purchased one to as I am on a small island called Gabriola bc canada|So
    glad the Starlink worked for you guys. It's a lifeline to so many people!
    My wife and I visited Scotland (and Skye) right before the pandemic.

    We are planning to return in 2023.|Do you use a satellite for TV channels?|Congratulations !!!
    I'm glad it works for you ! Happy New Year !|Well, by Jove!
    I guess I'm off to the most remote part of the West of Ireland now, no
    excuses. Starlink was the "missing link".|Actually van life people
    are loving starlink .I watch them all on YouTube and they all say its there life line|Dream academy.

    Life in a northern town|Is starlike expensive|Great to see Starlink up and running and filling an important role in your life,
    it’s a fantastic lifeline for many people around the world, lots of people give Elon a hard time (some in these comments) because he speaks
    honestly is different people see him as an east target?
    He donate X amount to Ukraine when the war broke out,
    he also donated 50 starlinks to Tonga when they were
    hit by an earthquake in 2022, they kept them until
    an underwater broadband cable was repair, but again that went unreported by main stream
    media. Loving the content |Thanks good info|Nice to see latency is 30ms …
    good speed too … comparable to our 4G in the Borders your
    latency a bit quicker … good to know it works …|Is it an unlimited amount of data?
    All the satellites we’ve looked at have data limits and that is not something
    I want to have to monitor. We use our cellphones, but it’s really expensive.|Congratulations!
    I follow several sailing u-tubers and they have been very satisfied, as have
    I!|That is impressive to be fair, there are a few full-time van lifers scattered
    around the world who swear by it. I've half tempted myself because
    I've been parked up for days and days in the middle
    of nowhere with no radio, telephone, or internet signal.
    Something to think about here.|so happy for you!

    Jack Spaniels is just SO SO HAPPY |Seems very good internet because articles are great!!|YAY!
    How fortuitous!!! Otherwise ALL of your faithful viewers are SCREWED!
    I'm happy I don't need to break out tissues |This is fantastic news so
    happy it works for you ... even the price of £75 is not that bad considering how much some pay for landlines and internet etc ...landlines are
    becoming obsolete in 2025 so we just switched
    to Internet only n had the landline ripped out works perfect |Congratulations on the Internet!!|yay it works
    xxx|My brother Scott works for the," Outdoor Channel. " he's been producer for most
    his life. We are Americans though. Sorry about that. But, all of us distant cousins are related to
    eminem. Isn't that funny? Lose yourself. From the soundtrack and
    movie 8 mile.|I didn't mention my older brother Scott is named
    after my paternal grandma. June Scott- Hays. I give too much info.
    Autism runs in our family.|Great that you’re internet is working it’s not always easy to get signal in Skye.

    Hope you guys are settling in well we are seemingly getting a good wind coming in this weekend .
    Stay safe and take care ♥️|So happy you have
    internet access, for you...and for me! Love, love the last shot of those snowy
    mountains.|I've got mine up on an old scaffolding pole,
    with a cut out for the cable. So far it survived Skye's
    weather over the last year but never got to test it in 90mph winds last January which
    almost took my garage roof off, but will be
    paying a close eye on the dish tomorrow night when there's a
    bit of storm blowing in!|I met Elon Musk last year.|Why don't you approach them?

    They may be interested in using you....|Thank you for sharing your journey in a beautiful country…it seems your all by yourselves up there!
    Amazing views and i hope your explorations are
    fun and safe when the weather permits….Sarah your artwork is amazing, hope you are doing well and thanks again, greeting you from
    California USA…..|The price rules it out for me. I'm waiting
    on my current contract ending and then I'll be going to Three mobile at £20/month which gives me 6 x my current
    speed.|that is better than where i live in york city centre|Great
    gear Guys. So glad you are ''plugged in'' now! That
    shot of the mountains at the end was amazing. Coming
    up on 23K subs is brilliant. Roll on the 50K!!
    All the very best, John.|My satellite dish only stops working when we get dumped on with snow.
    Strangely, the winds haven't bothered it. We've had two or three blasts
    of 60-90 mph winds, but it's protected by the house.

    Snow and ice are the downfalls.|Thanks for posting this - our friends live in Braes (near Portree) and their internet is useless,
    so I'll let them know this might be an option.|Wow!
    Could this be used on a camper in an of grid situation? As long as it's removed before driving
    the camper?|Very glad positive results for you. It's mostly about location, obstruction and elevation aimed at satellites.
    Descent internet with a few cut outs is far better than no internet.
    Great to see you and Jack handsome as ever.
    Take care|how much is it per month ? looks great|You are never Screwed we are here for you and Love you!!!!|Lots of vanlifers use it on their van. VANCITYVANLIFE has one|So not
    attaching to the roof, is this the permanent location for the
    unit? Yay for fast internet!|Great article and really enjoying the channel.
    I'm so conflicted with Starlink, it's a necessary service for sure but I'm grumpy because as a photographer the
    satellites really mess up astro photography haha!
    One thing I've noticed in your vids, across the different channels
    is probably a better need for audio, check out the dji microphone kit, you get 2 wireless mics so you each can be hooked up
    nice and clear and don't need to worry so much about wind |Good question. I guess it could,
    provided it has stable power to it?|Sadly, no option for that where we
    are.|Yes, it is a bit pricey. We have no other option though,
    so we must pay for it.|@Living The Skye Life Brilliant, every
    time I've heard the song, I imagined your next victorious verses.|Hi there,
    thanks that’s really kind. We didn’t include it on this one because it’s more of a tech article, rather than adventures.
    Don’t worry - it isn’t going anywhere. In fact,
    I’m writing a full length version right now!
    |Yeah, often the case. I tend to do 3 just to make sure,
    but it doesn’t seem to affect the performance on the wifi, no matter what
    the speed tests say. Hopefully it’ll remain this way.|@Living The Skye Life
    range do em identical.. i found em ta utube seems t be 50/50 as to wether they really
    work. we will see .|Hi, I don’t have a link for it as I’m
    not sure they make them now. However, it just works on sounds.

    There are several on the market that do the same thing.
    Also, not sure if it’s effective, as you don’t get any evidence to say
    if it works or not. Just a generic electronic vermin deterrent.|@Living The Skye Life got a
    link for the one in vid? is it effective?|Yes - it makes a sound that they can’t stand.
    There are battery operated ones and ones you plug into the mains.
    There’s a fair amount of them over on eBay. |Hi - it’s
    £500 (one off) for the equipment and £75 per month.
    Not cheap, but it’s our only option in this area.|Sounds like a good plan - far worse ways to spend your time!

    At one point we were thinking we would have to sit in the local pub until our articles uploaded…probably a good thing we don’t have to do that |No problem.
    Glad we could reassure - that’s the reason we made it.
    It isn’t cheap. £500 one off payment for the equipment,
    then £75 per month for the service. It isn’t ludicrous,
    but not the cheapest. It does work though, which for us is
    the main thing.|Hey, yes we have one at the back of the cottage.
    We watch it whilst eating breakfast - great entertainment!|@Living The Skye Life |Oh - thanks for the heads up!
    I’ve just stuck 2 first class stamps and our address on the
    back of it. That was a close one!|The latency isn’t noticeable at all.
    We regularly have zoom and facetime chats, totally solid signal.|Totally!
    We are too. |Well, at least you know it’s out there, should you decide to use it.

    It definitely changed the game for us! |Indeed!
    It was a tense few weeks before it arrived and worked!
    We’re hearing that a lot about the speeds - it’s pretty fast!
    Hopefully it stays that way! |We do.
    It’s just not here yet. We had to leave some of our stuff in storage.
    It’s winter, so the grass was this long when we arrived.
    Will cut it in early spring.|Yes - there was a satellite dish installed on the house by the previous owner.
    We get Freesat channels here |Yes - there’s even a more portable version of the dish for people who travel.
    Must be very popular for van-lifers!|It’s not cheap!

    There’s an initial outlay to purchase the equipment and then it’s £75 a
    month. More than most broadband deals, but slightly less than we were
    paying in Fife for a fibre broadband and tv package |@Living The Skye
    Life just seen your previous answer to another comment
    about the pricing. £75 a month which is fair enough to
    have connection. |@Living The Skye Life do you pay a monthly subscription as well as the initial purchase?|Definitely worth
    considering. It wasn’t our first choice for internet, but it was the only one that worked.
    I think they do a smaller dish for people who travel.|Us too!
    And thanks. One of my favourite drone shots so far.
    Not far from the cottage too!|Yeah, you'll no thave an issue with it once
    it is well secured. The only downside is that the power consumption can be quite high,
    as much as 100w plus when using the full bandwidth, eg, speedtests etc.
    I have a backup 4G that automatically used as backup in case Starlink fails, and it never used it.
    Enjoy the fast internet!|So you’ve had it a year? That’s reassuring!
    I hope the next storm doesn’t damage it (or ours!).
    |We’re not trying to advertise the company - this is for the others that
    could be worried, as we were. It totally saved the day for us.|Yeah, we initially got the EE
    4G router and we’re told that we were near a mast… the
    part they neglected to tell us was the mast isn’t working (and
    hasn’t for some time). Definitely better with what we have now.
    We did have an issue with one courier company on something Sarah ordered, but they
    mailed it Royal Mail - there’s no issue with them.|@Living The Skye Life BT (my current provider) offered to
    switch me to EE4G but when I looked at it the download speed was only 11Mb for
    over £30/month. My new neighbours are on the 3 system
    and let me try it out. 30Mb unlimited for less than my
    current contract with BT that gives me 7Mb so yeah, the EE offering is
    awful and Starlink is a way better option. Have you had any issues with buying stuff over
    the internet so far? Heard stories about folks on Skye getting charged up to
    £50 extra delivery to 'cover ferry costs'. Bit strange since you've now got a bridge...|Yes,
    it is pricey. Trouble is we don’t have 3 mobile here.
    And EE 4G is awful! It’s the only option here too. Had to go with Starlink - there was literally no other option.|Yes, us too when we lived
    in a town. It does fluctuate, but still is
    very high, even at its lowest fluctuations.|Thanks John.
    That is the Cuillin Ridge. That was shot on one of Jack’s walks!
    Crazy, I know! And thanks! We’re so pleased with the reception we’re
    receiving on this channel! Willie |Yes, I’ve
    heard about this. Crazily though, the Starlink dish actually
    heats up slightly to stop the snow sticking to it!|Thanks for letting us know.
    We’re not interested in further lining anyone’s pockets… this is purely to help folk in a
    similar situation. We were quite anxious before we got this.|Yes - so long as you have mains
    power - 240 volts here in the UK. It’s very
    portable.|@Living The Skye Lifeou are indeed fortunate with having a successful connection. It isn’t just luck.
    This effort by Starlink is unparalleled regardless of the
    extreme happy people or extreme annoyed. Rural internet in the US is
    a significant problem largely solved by Starlink.
    City dwellers will mock and abuse the success of Starlink, but the
    truth is your reception is massively better than ours
    in the US. But I’m a rural viewer and understand the challenges we face and will always be happy you have a fantastic connection! Congratulations When it
    doesn’t work, it is because you are in a yet to be active cell of the satellite
    constellation. Starlink has been very open about their rollout.|All true.

    We haven’t had any cut outs yet, so we’re quite lucky!
    And thanks - you take care too |@Living The Skye Life ah yes that
    is awesome, im in orkney isle and only have 2 lol very sporadic in countryside lol|Yes it’s without a phone line,
    but it supports flawless wifi calls on both our mobile phones, so it’s
    fine for us.|@Living The Skye Life i pay about £60 for broadband and phoneline with calls weekend so not too bad at £75 but is that without phone line etc?|It’s £75 per month, so
    fairly pricey, but it works, so not complaining.|No,
    we’re having it fitted professionally. It was just there temporarily.
    And yeah!|I miss the intro|Thanks. Fascinating.|This is fascinating!
    I'd heard of Tim Berners-Lee, Arpanet, TCP/IP, etc, but I
    honestly thought this was going to be about Ted Nelson and his
    Xanadu project. Well, except for the "Belgium" part.|Super
    interesting topic, I'm surprised this isn't something that is more known considering how much setup happened here for later electronic systems.

    (Also appreciate the appropriate Avenue Q at 3:
    20)|"Why you' think the net was born ? POR.." .. God damn song in the background making it hard to focus x'DDD|It's
    sad how the genius quite perhaps on the autistic spectrum,
    always gets done over, unappreciated by others.
    I'm reading Sandi Toksvig's book 'Between the Stops' and
    she talks about Paul Otlet and the Mundaneum.
    It's on p157. It'll probably appear on QI if it hasn't already.
    The next most interesting thing was how to correctly
    pronounce 'Mons'. This should not be underrated either since it appears on WW1 memorials everywhere.|Your parallel with Wikipedia
    is flawed: you say the cards were written by experts in the subjects.....|Merci beaucoup Tim.|Love the Rick Roll haha|Fantastic article Tim!

    I think this may be my favourite one yet|I always laugh when narrating Tim makes a joke
    and starts yelling to someone away from the microphone.
    I like to think it's a cat lol|Another excellent article|Excellent nod to the Internet episode of the IT Crowd with
    the piano theme music at the beginning |:facepalm:
    We were taught in school in late 90s how the concept for
    internet was singlehandedly invented by US military. Then later they let CERN and universities
    play with it.|This was a fascinating article, thank you
    for taking us to these amazing places!|The rubber industry must've been really powerful back then,
    to be allowed to simply shut down half the Internet, and just to hold
    a fair. (since it's YouTube: this is a joke)|Huh kinda weird to recognise so many places in this article, even though I've heard _nothing_ about it.|wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|Really nice of windsurf to credit Belgium for
    the idea|so, Vint Cerf looks a LOT like Otlet. Are we just letting that go?|That's amazing, glad you enjoyed our city!
    By the way, when was this article filmed?|So this was like if I
    was able to put r self into the computer and the internet.
    Or at least that is the feel I get.|I'd say he invented more the
    idea of the world wide web than the internet in general|Belgium is a small, yet great country that did
    great things. The problem with the Belgians is that they are too modest; they never brag about their inventions.

    There is so much more about Belgium than its
    chocolates, waffles and fries! ...|Couldn't resist the obvious pun...so the
    internet would have been pretty mundane with Belgian influence ha|I'm confused about the goals of the "Mundaneum." Isn't this what the Library
    of Congress has been doing for the past 200 years?

    The Library of Congress has now become the largest and most prestigious holder of information known to man, with the world's largest collection of books and other repositories of information--135 million pieces
    and counting. This it has done with the complete financial backing of the richest
    government in the world--the U.S. Congress.|I remember as a kid in the school
    playground (in the 1960s) imagining that I had a magic source of knowledge where I could pull out information on any subject at a moment's notice.
    I had visualised something more like this filing cabinet than the
    PC and internet though! A small-scale fictional precursor of this was the set of notebooks that Sherlock Holmes kept on all people and events
    of interest to him.|Having a masters degree in telecommunications and mass media, I
    found this episode to be among your best ever.|Oh !

    My hometown !|If only Paul Otlet's dream _did_ come true.
    The US National Archives and the Library of Congress
    and many other institutions have failed to digitize and make available a vast majority
    of their information. What we largely have on the Internet (and WWW) is the blatherings of news and views and smut produced from
    the 1980s onward. You still have to visit a real library and look
    at real books to do any real work on historical knowledge.
    Yeah, if you work in data processing or finance, you're ok, but not for any meaningful historical topics.|Ahh.

    There's nothing like a strong snaps and a good book burning.|It would be
    funny if in drawer 404 there was just a single card that said "information not found"|Oh,
    this is just amazing. This guy was a visionaire.|Bonsoir Merci pour ce voyage !
    |I thought Al Gore invented the internet|Thanks for sharing
    such a great piece of information... :)|Mons |Imagine getting
    rickrolled this discretely.|0:23 genius use of the IT Crowd theme|wow..
    I had no idea about this.. I know of the history of the internet, but
    had no idea of the "Grandfather" of the internet.. this was very cool.
    Thanks for this history lesson.|3:33 Brilliantly subtle choice of background music :
    )|so... and intranet? also i have never loved something more than i love the
    idea of zettelkasten!|One of your best|The music in this article is just brilliant!|Tim I
    just wanna say I love the audio design of your articles.
    I always try and recognise the songs and listen for jokes.

    And the content is really good!|I'm so upset that the belgians didn't invent the internet...

    Just imagine. A world without lootboxes.|3:14 I hear that song in the background.

    Love it XD can't believe I haven't seen anyone comment on it (from the ones I glanced through)|The smell of
    my elementary school library's card catalog just came to
    mind.|Those Nazis sound like they were not too nice.|Everyone knows Al
    Gore invented the internet right after he's discovered the existence of man-bear-pig|This article is a godsend, the content fits so well
    in my topic for a school project! thank you very much for the inspiration|Hey Tim, a
    big thank you for covering these stories.
    Your other Belgian history articles thought so much about my country, I hope
    your visits have been fun to you personally,
    merci à toi no rap section intermission Pain.|There is no better person to cover
    this song than Nanawo Akari|i LOVE nanawo akari !!!|平成アニメのオープニング感あってすこ|Yooo I wasn't expecting this.
    It's definitely the perfect song for Akari to cover!|歌い方がホント \
    (/o^) Daisuke ( / / く デ→レレレレーーーwwwwwデ→レレレレーーーwwwデレレレデレレレレーーーwwwデ↓レ↑ッテ↑テレ↓レ↓ーーーwww ごめんなさい大好きです|bメロとサビが割りと好み。 とはいえこうやってカバーを聞くとあらためてKOTOKO
    の凄さを思い知らされるわ。|歌い方好き!|오리지널 인터넷 엔젤|진짜 인터넷엔젤사마가 부르시는 인터넷오버도즈..|Yes,
    She is mischievous angel for a long time |Akari's voice fits
    this song perfectly.|eurobeat my beloved|バリバリに可愛い路線に持ってくとリスペクト不足になるのがこの曲の面白い所|本家でしょ?ってくらいナナヲアカリに合ってる曲だから歌ってくれて嬉しい‼︎|まるでオリジナル曲の様に歌いこなすのに驚嘆‼️|えっっっっっぐ!|니디걸 오버도즈 보면서 아카리 눈나 생각했는데 이게 진짜 나왔넼ㅋㅋㅋ|best internet overdose cover tbh|逆に何で今まで歌って無かったんだレベルで 「 違 和 感 が 仕 事 し な い 」のSASUGA 何かTSKRありがとナス!!|良い意味でオタク味を感じる歌い方というか、鬱陶しさと爽やかさと切なさと心強さと、一緒にカラオケ来てるみたいな感覚になれて楽しい。|ずと…この組み合わせが見たかった…なんとなくダダダダ天使と近い感じがして…なんかが…嬉し…|寧ろまだ歌ってなかったんだという驚き|無事✝昇天✝|✞昇天✞|解釈一致すぎる|Kimochi
    yo sugi darou|I love how this is in the perfect (6:
    5?) resolution for my old dell buisness monitor! Nanawoakari nailed it too!|I like this song they have
    a unique and Best irama then japan people brave to increase it|Nanawoakari|めちゃめちゃ似合ってる!|I was waiting
    for this cover, I love akari s voice AHHHHH|どんな歌でも歌いこなすアカリさんは流石としか言えない|ピッタリだろうなと思って聞いたらピッタリだった|これを待ってました……本当にありがとう……………|うがあああああかわいいいいいぎいいいい|あう"ぃrrrrろぉ の発音好き|わああああかわいいいい|✝승천✝|オリジナルのあの独特な感じも唯一無二なんだな|ダダダダ天使あるしインターネットエンジェルであることは間違いない|曲がマッチしすぎてる|ナナヲさんがこれ歌うのすごい|この曲のMVってラスサビ後のはちゃめちゃなシーンで個性出るから色んな人の見てて飽きないんだよな|ナナヲアカリさんの声この曲とっても似合うです最高♰昇天♰|まさかナナオアカリさんのカバーを聞けるなんて…!!とても素晴らしいお歌で本家とも解釈一致で本当に凄いです…|I think I like the higher voiced versions of this song, but this is good as well.|嘘だろ 天才すぎる… 相性良すぎるし好きなものが合わさって超絶エモいものができてる|Es increible.|Yep is perfect! I loved it! Perfecto este cover! 素敵な歌!ナナヲアカリ最高!ダダダダ天使の曲を思い出せさせた~ 当たり前この曲は気分が合わせる|Incredible!|この混沌とした令和のインターネットを 照らす一筋の光 電子の海を漂うオタクに笑顔を 未来の平和をお約束 躁鬱だけどまかせとけ インターネット・エンジェル ただいま降臨 社会をやめろ 家族をやめろ 人間関係をやめろ 今すぐ薄暗い部屋で青白いライトを浴びろ 大丈夫 こわかったこと 全部上書きするからね 現実よりも crazy for you おかしくなりそうなほど 情報過多のインターネット いまたすけてあげるよ ダーリンダーリン ウソはウソだと見抜けるし この愛は暴走しちゃうし 壊れてしまうけど 考えなくていいんだよ もうすぐ楽になるから 脳内に乱反射する poison radio 麻薬より甘いよ いいね よくないね キミにとっては毒だね いいね よくないね それでも飲むんだね いいね よくないね 二人の秘密だね 私だけ見ててね まるで天使のように微笑む強めの幻覚 Internet Girl そして悪魔みたいにささやく あなただけのデパス Needy Girl 浅い眠りと承認欲求のオーバードーズ 脳天直撃するわたしたちだけの 宗教とヒカリ 倫理より激しく生きた宇宙すら 侵食する恋 何度も送られる毒電波を優しさだけで包んで 逆さまのコンピューターと断片的なカウンセリング きらめく屋上で奏でた夢見心地の旋律 夕暮れ時にさよならの練習をして 壊して 愛して 許して 狂って 狂って 狂って 甘く狂わせて  ゆらぎ始める世界 曖昧になる風景 アナタだけが映っているメモリー 神様なんていないよ このふざけたインターネットは七色のサイケデリック SNSという瓶詰め地獄に救済を 過去の歴史は見ないフリ アナタのためならすぐそばに インターネット・エンジェル かわいく参上! まるで天使のように抱きつく強めの幻覚 Internet Girl そして悪魔みたいにキスするあなただけの Needy girl angel...|俺が最近ハマった曲なんで知ってるん? ネットの天使だからか|The singing is really expressive and doesn't feel just like another anime-ish voice due to that. I've heard a lot from this singer nothing with as good singing as this. 10/10 , the best cover I've seen for this song|めっちゃいい!なんかすっごく天使!|痕の屋上のシーンのパロディ好き!|Amazing new song!|This is always a fun song to listen to and now I get to hear Nanawo sing it |なんか峠でドリフトしたくなってきた|노래 이름이 뭔가요?|ライブでも歌うかな❤|YESSS HAI HAI HAI|I was waiting for Nanawoakari ver. Or (I forgor her name)|あーもう最高すぎる エンジェルすぎる かわいい好き|とんでもない"解釈一致"が来た|タイトルサムネ見た瞬間から 相性の良さ確定演出|캬 큰 거 왔다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ|つよつよなとこめちゃ好き。|ありがたい。最高だ。今日までダダダダ天使とこちらの原曲を交互に聞いて疑似的に天国と地獄を反復横飛びすることを日課にしてたから。|うぽつです。 独創的というか…本家どこいった? とても良いですね。|神か? この時を待ち侘びてた叶わぬ夢だと思ってたのにクリスマスプレゼントでしょうか、感謝しかない❄️ 生きてて良かった †昇天†|この人がこの曲を歌うの、満を持してみたいなところあるな……|本当に…本当に、ありがとうございます❤|I LOVE THISSS|인터넷 오버도스를 처음 들었을 때부터 이건 나나오 아카리가 불러야 한다고 생각했는데 제 꿈이 이뤄졌습니다 감사합니다|나나오 아카리에게 딱 안성맞춤인 곡이다|令和のインターネットエンジェル とはこれまさに|親和性高すぎてびっくりしたw カバー曲として非の打ち所がない完璧なクオリティ!!|@전제은 굿!|인터넷 오버도즈 입니다.|ㄹㅇ ㅋㅋ|Hallo Thomas,habe mir heute 3 Bücher bei Euch Bestellt.Internet für Senioren,Provis und wie mann mit Tasten Arbeiten kann.Natürlich schaue ich mir immer Vidios an um mehr zu lernen.Macht weiter so,Ihr seit ja besser alls ein Cumputerkurs|Hallo Thomas! Ich benutze noch Windows 10 und habe den Norten Antivirus ! Mir wird jetzt angezeigt das Online Tracking bei mir vorgenommen wird! Soll man im Norten ein Zusatz Programm Abonnieren oder gibt es bei Windows 10 eine eigene Funktion? Ist da Windows 11 besser? Herzlichen Dank für deine Videos und für deine Antwort|Wer kann mir weiter helfen? Das Smartphon zeigt nach jedem ausschalten den Satz " Deine Sicherheitsnummer für Handy ................(Name) hat sich geändert.
    Tippe um mehr zu erfahren. Wie kann ich diese Zeilen löschen, bei mehreren Teilnehmern sind bis zu 20 Eintrgungen.|Mein Drucker DCP-J315J Druckt nur
    Schwaz.Die anderen Farben Schwach obwohl ich schon x mal gereinigt habe.wa kann ich noch tun.Allerdings
    ist er schon 10 Jahre alt.Ich scaue mir fast jedes Vidio an von Ihnen.|Als
    erstes würd ich nicht den Browser Mircosoft Edge setzten, sondern auf
    den freien Firefox. Aber jeder muß es ja selber wissen|Danke Thomas,
    schön erklärt! Hinweis an die Community: Bitte nicht das
    smartphone vergessen, hier gilt genau das gleich, was eben von Thomas erklärt wurde.
    Löscht in eurem smartphone immer wieder mal euren Verlauf,
    ....|I was able to spy my partner's conversation through the help of coderlouis5 on Instagram, he's really
    the best hack I know.|Super danke sehr gut erklärt.|Vielen lieben Dank,wieder etwas dazu gelernt.Dank|Wieder
    was gelernt danke|Vielen Dank.
    super erklärt . Perfekt|Hallo Christian,
    mit Norton Antivirus kennen wir uns leider nicht aus.
    :/ Nicht das wir wüssten.|@BILDNER TV vielen Dank,
    ich werde gleich mal ausprobieren ob das klappt|Hallo Horst, welche
    App schickt dir diese Benachrichtigung? Oder kommt diese direkt vom Betriebssystem deines Smartphones?
    Was steht unter "mehr erfahren"? Ohne weitere Infos lässt sich dazu leider recht
    wenig sagen. WhatsApp und Signal schicken diese Benachrichtigungen z.B.
    wenn sich die Sicherheitsnummer einer deiner Kontakte ändert, entweder weil diese die
    App neu installiert haben, das Smartphone oder die Nummer gewechselt haben oder
    deren WhatsApp-Account von jemand anderen übernommen wurde.
    Hintergrund ist in diesem Fall die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, mit der durch die Sicherheitsnummer überprüfbar ist, ob diese auch wirklich gegeben ist.
    Die Sicherheitsnummer entspricht aber nicht dem Schlüssel, also
    keine Sorge! Sie ist nur zum Überprüfen da. Ändert sich also
    etwas (z.B. eben neue Telefonnummer) zwischen dir und
    einem Kontakt, erhalten beide eine neue Sicherheitsnummer.

    Diese Benachrichtigungen sollten aber prinzipiell durch nach links oder rechts wischen in der Benachrichtigungsleiste löschbar sein. In den Einstellungen -> Account -> Sicherheit -> "Sicherheitsbenachrichtigungen anzeigen" lässt sich
    diese automatische Benachrichtigung jedoch auch deaktivieren. Dann bekommst du zukünftig keine solchen Meldungen mehr.|Wir selber nutzen auch Firefox |Bitte sehr
    :)|Bitte sehr :)|Bitte sehr |7:23 das ist so genial
    er steht da und hat absolut null Ahnung was er macht|super article|Wie unfassbar
    traurig dass das EU Parlament dann trotzdem dafür gestimmt hat.
    Werden die alle bezahlt oder?|4:30 Der Typ ist Politiker?
    Der hat mal auf Drachenlord reagiert. ok gut zu
    wissen|digga ich lieebe deine articles. biiiiittee hör nie auf zu produzieren!!!
    |99.99% der Kommentare handeln davon wie toll sein content ist
    und nur 00,01% handelt über den inhalt was mich
    echt Aufregt|Wie heißt der Song am Anfang|ich habe jetzt 2 Videos geschaut nicht böse gemeint aber wie bekommst du
    die ganzen n**i Sachen hochladen|Will den immernoch klatschen|In 20 Jahren streamen Sie deine Videos in die
    Köpfe der Schüler im Unterricht|ich habe auch in der Halle 8 Meinkraft gespielt|bin ich
    der einzige, der ein riesen hass auf axel voss
    GESEHEN HABE ! KULTURGUT hashtag bin kein bot|7:24 Modemgeräusch im Hintergrund|Einfach so geil wie die EU halt richtig n cooles Konzept ist, freies Reisen, Stabilität und Frieden in Europa
    etc. , sich aber mit so ner scheiße komplett selbst
    kaputt macht…|8:31 Ist das nicht Marmeladenoma?|Chatkontrolle: Sehe schon wie CSGO
    oder R6 Teams auf whatsapp taktiken besprechen. Wer die Bombe trägt, wo man plantet etc.
    Alle direkt verknackt... So dumm alter|Und ich war dabei, sogar 2x Voss getroffen |3:36 würden sie mal so aktiv gegen den Terror
    und die Migration vorgehen|Starker Content.|das ist ja bodenlos, der werte Axel Voss verwendet wahrscheinlich immer noch firefox|Selten soo geile Edits gesehen! Und schwups abonniert...|Dein Channel ist extrem underrated.
    Liebe deinen Content!|Axel Voss du 1 h*rrens*hn|7.36 min einfach mark forster da|Habe lange auf einen guten deutschen Internethistoriker gewartet und er ist endlich da.|Hast
    ein Abo mehr zu geil deine Videos!! Danke für die Arbeit!|Wildes Video,
    Kommentar nur für den Algorithmus. |Europa ist und bleibt der größte Meme!|So enternaining|Kann es sein dass Axel Voss ein Verfechter der Klaus Schwab Ideologie ist?|JAAA
    MAN! #Save my Hentai! |Zum Glück lebe ich in der Schweiz|8:
    43 ich wusste er ist wieder da|"Sogar die introvertierten waren da" Wie sie hinter
    den Bäumen hervor kommen |Uploadfilter -> Gegen Verfassung , Überwachungsstaat -> Nicht gegen Verfassung|Wir leben immer
    mehr und mehr in einen Anime|Was ist dem Hond Voss seine Aufgabe?|Haha das waren noch Zeiten - ich schwöre, das
    ging mir damals so am Arsch vorbei... Ich hab es zwar ein bisschen mitbekommen, aber irgendwie war mir
    von Anfang an klar, dass da nichts draus wird bzw das alles
    so bleibt wies ist, weil man kann das Internet ohnehin nicht mehr verbieten, das war alles ausgemachter
    Schwachsinn, aber manche (hust Herr Newstime) haben sich mächtig prächtig in die Scheiße gesetzt...|Das nächste
    gesetzt ist aber auch echt nicht mehr witzig.... Wenn's durch kommt dann gute Nacht einfach Überwachungsstaat sein Vater|Legenden Video, Entertainment +
    learnings |11:39 Gemeinde lebt|Der Vollspast hat den Stein ohne Spitzhacke abgebaut|Change my mind Axel Fos
    oder wie der heißt ist einfach ein npc|7:36 ey das
    ist doch Mark Foster|Danke! Ich wollte das Jahr geil beenden! (Nicht ironisch gemeint).
    Bist der beste!|Warumm is 12:06 little nightmares???!??|7:36 Da
    ist ja Mark Forster. |Warte, ein FBI-Agent
    liest meine Chats? Bruder muss los|7:25 wollen wir mal drüber reden,
    dass er in Minecraft mit der Hand ein Stein abbauen und dann
    dumm für Sekunden drauf schaut, um zu realisieren dass nichts passiert ist?
    xD beste Stelle|9:48 einfach hops genommen|8:36 is sus|AXEL voss ist ein arsch|Axel Voss chillt in irgendein rndm Büro in bonn|dieser mann hat zu viel spaß am
    editieren hagdgsgshshqhahdhahhahahahagaha|Der Moment als Voss den Stein abbaute und so übelst verwirrt war Nein Spaß jemand wie er sollte niemals in die Nähe von etwas so großartigem wie Minecraft
    kommen |Bei 7:36 unten am Rand das Gesicht kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor |Irgendwie erinnert er
    mich an knuspertoast oder so|Was ein Meisterwerk|für die aussprache
    und idee zur umgehung des protestrechtes und somit auch der
    meinungsfreiheit sollten echt radikale masnahmen wie 10 jahre haft als strafe für politicker mit gewalt
    durchgesetzt werden|Bei wirklich ernsthaften Problemen scheint nicht viel Gegenwind
    von der stillen Bevölkerung zu kommen aber wehe wenn man die Memes bedroht.

    Idiocracy entpuppt sich immer mehr als Prophezeiung.|Wie bei
    uns in Österreich die Impfpflicht für die Tonne war..
    Möchte nicht wissen was das an Geld gekostet hat es durchzuboxen, nur damit
    es dann später auf Eis gelegt wird..|4:25 er redet von der freedom
    of speech. Die gibt es weder in der EU noch woanders im Internet.

    Diese freedom darf nur von der US Regierung in Gesetze gebracht werden|10:54 da war ich|Gronkh zerstört einfach Axel Voss
    |Mega gut geschnittenes Video! Mach weiter!|Merkel hätte
    mehr Hass verdient. Und das ist das Problem an unserer Gesellschaft, nur wenn es einen aus der Komfortzone haut ist man bereit was
    zu machen. Genau deshalb ist Deutschland an dem
    Punkt wo es heute ist|alter warum baut axel voss ein stein ab
    ??|Axel Voss was das brooo...|Durch Zufall hier
    gelandet und mann ich hatte Glück! Liebe deine Videos❤|In der Vergangenheit
    wurde eine Serie Detektiv Conan/ Shinichi kudo durch Artikel 13
    zum Opfer in der Vergangenheit ca 2002 es geht um die Serie jedenfalls habe ich das mitbekommen|Sehr gutes
    article!|Axel ich werde dich finden|Ist es nicht extrem Furchteimflößend, dass ein verfassungswidriges
    Gesetz im EU Parlament bejaht wurde?|Pr0gramm logo bei minute 3:06 macht
    man nicht|07:10 weiß jemand zufällig wie die Hintergrundmusik heißt?|Zum Glück sitze ich in der Schweiz und
    hab nix mit der EU zu tun|Halt digger das kann sich doch kein Schwanz geben. Ein Hurensohn, der keine Ahnung von dem Internet hat,
    soll also über die Zukunft davon innerhalb eines Landes bestimmen? wtf|Bester.
    Fucking. Mann.|Viel zu geile articles du solteset mehr
    uploaden|baba content|alter, axel ist doch save ein modernitäts, Jugend und
    Technik hassender steinzeit Mensch, oder was auch immerl, was ist los mit dieser Welt, Und
    dafür haben die TRümmerdamen allles aufgebaut, oh scheisse...........|Also wenn ich
    die Demos sehe LUZIFER, du siehst was hier abgeht, BITTE hau die Welt runter, ey das is doch, WAS ZU VERFICKTEN HÖLLE|Ja das die kapital zieher JAAA sagen is klar, nur ein MENSCH sagt dazu nein : D Alter war das geil " Wie soll ich jetz meine Aufgaben machen, ich esse jetz meine tasta "
    Ich liebe sowas|im ernst, die politik ist selbst schuld, das Menschen wie ich, wir, sie so sehr hassen Und wenn das wirklich so weiter geht, und unertragbar wird.....
    ey im ernst, ich lösch alle kanäle, und leb wie vor dem WORD WIDE WEB, irgendwann reichts|also wenn nichts daran stimmt das die politik uns das das verderben bringen soll,
    ja dann weis ich auch nicht|Video 11/10 so geil lange nicht mehr
    so gellacht|8:36 kurz flashbacks gehabt|Da war einfach mark
    forster im hintergrund der Demonstration|13:24 Die yu-Gi-Oh reverse card wird auch nicht alt|unglaublich geil|Herrlich, einfach geil.

    Kurz und verständlich, und dabei noch sehr unterhaltend|"Sogar die Introvertierten waren da" Shits relatable.|@Linkersacher harvest dawn , aber danke |Ich
    sags nicht|This may be the best one yet! Love your
    channel, your sense of humor and Karen (Dolce) is so cute!
    I also love watching your family channel and your nonno and
    nonna. Your nonna reminds me of my mamma in Sicily
    ❤️|That part! Haha|Vanessa! I don’t know if
    you would consider it but I think it would be really cool if you did a article on trimming
    dog nails on troublesome customers. I have a pug-chi combo that will not let me do it unless in a dog
    hammock with constant treats and thrashing on her part
    and several cats it’s bad.|i legitimately shriek-laughed
    at the reveal |funny name for a grumperson :)|Screaming, I love this|Best “Karen “cut ever!|So cute
    ☺️ |Yep, I’ve had two Lhasa Aosos, and he definitely looks
    like a Lhasa. Shih Tzus have more “pushed in” noses, while Lhasas have regular dog noses.
    He has a Lhasa attitude, too.|I always enjoy your articles and smile all
    the way through them, but I think this is the first time I’ve laughed out loud!
    I love the comb over effect! |Why is this the last visit?
    And I also have a ugly dog like this named Martin. he acts just like this|It's so funny that he's called Dolce
    but he's anything but |He's got a face like a griffon.|He’s adorable|Lmao!
    I can’t get enough of this article! I
    love your articles!|What is in the name they say well this dude dog’s name
    is “Dolce” in Italian means sweet When you were done grooming
    him he looks like an older Justin Bieber with a beard|Dolce
    looks more like a Brussels Griffon|xQc dog OMEGALUL|This
    slander is what I live for |Oh my❤❤|0:
    52 - Dolce or Logan Paul? You decide...|I hollered at the end!!
    That was good to me!!|IT'S NOT A PHASE MOOOOOOMMMMMM| This is
    the best, love the haircut, classic Karen.|Now that’s a bang|OMG.

    That was the cutest haircut!|You realise Karen that poor animal that you
    scolded when it whimpered under the water looks like this due to the excessive
    breed reducing it to this deformed appearance. This dog needs love and care.

    Not to released to a crazy lady that has to scramble for some self esteem by angrily cutting an animal so
    it looks ridiculous.|if I straighten my toy poodle's hair, can I make her a part like that?!
    (superb, girl!!!)|That was hilarious! Love your channel.|3:
    07 That's a very human like hair style.| why is it your last
    cut with him ?|It looks like a Karen. lol, the original haircut
    almost looks like a bob haircut, with the "I want to speak to the manager"
    look even more with the new swoop hair cut. I can't
    stop laughing. It is very accurate.|So funny I have tears in my eyes!||I haven't
    laughed that hard in a bit|Out of curiosity, why
    was today Dolce's final groom? Have his owners decided to go elsewhere?
    :(|Omfg that finished style at the end
    reminds me of the 2006 era of emo kids on MySpace|That's
    the best. LOL|The Karen cut had me laughing so much!|Oh my gosh||I have this dogs doppelgänger and his
    name is Teddy. He was abused by an unscrupulous groomer before we got him.
    She thankfully is now no longer a groomer but I am not able to take him to anyone
    because he bites them,me and everyone he can if you attempt to groom him .But not groomed he is the sweetest
    boy ever and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Touch his paws
    and you will die according to him.We’ve tried it all……….and I give
    up.I do it once a month on a day I feel brave|was it a bloody dremel???|Wow that was an awesome haircut ❤❤❤❤|That is such a great Tzu cut!

    As a Tzu owner for years, it's so hard to find a groomer that can actually
    do an excellent job with them.|This is hilarious to say the least |Dolce has
    a beautiful thick beard !!|I just screamed he’s so
    cute|OMG!!! I can't stop laughing at the "Karen" haircut!
    Kudos.|I love the way you framed his face!|We always referred to our neighbors' Lhasa Apso as "The Dust Mop".|hahaha great.
    He looks so handsome at the end with his nice haircut (canine untercut^^)|So… did
    he speak to the manager |Best haircut ever!!!|Why is this
    his last hair cut by you???|You are hilarious. Fantastic!|He looks like Donald Trump.
    Lmao.|Can't stop laughing!!!|Wow, what a sweet dog.|@00:57 best part of article.
    Kiss kiss snoot|OMG best laugh thanks for sharing|Dolce Trump!||0:
    54-1:02 Oh my goodness; with the music that is HILARIOUS!|@CharlotteDobre
    ||Dolche got that Justin Bieber haircut.
    Poor dog.|That poor dog looks like early 2000s Kate Gosselin|Jokes on Dolce you're
    the manager LOL|OMG this is hysterical! I like his side part.|Dulce looks like a well groomed Zach Galifianakis with a Karen cut.|I know a groomer who has a dog that she sees on a regular basis and
    the dog is nicknamed snake bite. Simply because this dog will spin and bite so randomly.|Omg
    you did not this is great. Dolce was lovely|The nail clipping
    reminds me off my old sweet boy. Giant Yorkie, Charlie went in for an ear
    infection. Our vet had been seeing him since he was
    a puppy (10 years old and firstly at the time) and she moved to
    his ears with a q-trip. Charlie started flailing and
    shrieking so loudly, we had techs poking their head in the Dutch door to see why we
    were killing him. Our vet just stared at me, “I didn’t
    even touch him…” he had never acted that way before
    or since during his appointments and I mercilessly teased him between pets.
    RIP Charlie.| The combover |Justin Bieber|My sweet Lhasa didn’t appreciate that comment.

    But the haircut was perfect.|Dolce little man he looks like a snitch.|The haircut though|Awesome!!!!!!!|Wow, that dog looks just
    like ME!!|I met a wonderful Karen over the holidays. I wish we
    could change the name Karen to something/someone else just because
    it's unfair to the innocents that were given the name at birth.
    Markle is a good substitute. Gosselin is also a seamless fit.||I have a senior shih tzu.
    You nailed it!☺️|I'm actually getting Emo... classic.....
    Pete Wentz in Fall out Boy|OMG! I was a groomer for 5 years and this is the BEST cut I've ever seen!
    I can't stop laughing!|Awe what a cute pup!|Love, LoVe, LOVE the Karen haircut |OMG I
    love Dolce - he can Karen me to death all he wants |I
    screamed when I saw the finished product!!!! HIS HAIRCUT!!!!!!!
    LMAO|Oh! This is even better than when you shared the cat article.
    Yes, that hairstyle is very fitting.|He's absolutely
    a lhasa apso! You are a brave woman! lolol|Perfect Karen Haircut....|Please stop with the name shaming.
    If you could witness the damage that this terrible trend has done, you would understand.
    I watched my neighbors 12-year-old daughter go from a well-adjusted, happy girl to on who is ashamed to say or write her
    name because of the name shaming. She used to write very good short stories & poems.

    Now she writes suicide notes, instead. Yes, her mother is taking her
    to counseling. Using a name to shame people or even an animal is cyber bullying.
    I care so much about this girl; I do what I can to perk her
    up. I just hope that she doesn't follow through on her suicide notes.|@Jububoo Barooisn’t “entitled white women” a gender AND racial slur all
    in one?|@Josh S by the gods, americans are so entitled|@Serenity it almost universally applies to white
    women, also don't forget ageist|@LTown8365 it only applies to white women|@Phoenix wrong|If you go back through
    the article again, you'll hear Dolce's owner asked Vanessa to roast
    him. She wasn't being mean. Just done in good fun.| especially during the blow dry!|Letra 3 Hoy me levanté con la peor depresión, pues soy adicta a buscar atención, pero me siento una mierda, ¿Por qué no me veo como ellas las estrellas? Y no, ya no como porque quiero otro amor, tengo hambre de sentirme mejor, pero me siento una mierda, pisarme la cara no te cuesta nada. Que nos conectemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi. y que nos besemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla, tocame, estudiame, fuera de pantalla. Quiero enamorarme de tu foto de perfil, rompe tu teléfono por mi, please. Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla. Dame todo el contenido que de ti yo quiero mas, etiquetame en tu vida para no perderme na’. Oye, i dont wannt an internet blah blah blah. Que nos conectemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi. y que nos besemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla, tocame, estudiame, fuera de pantalla. Quiero enamorarme de tu foto de perfil, rompe tu teléfono por mi, please. Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla. Internet love. (x4)|Ya es 2023 y esta canción es mi medicina|Todas tus músicas son adictivas.|"hoy me levanté con la peor depresión" "pero me siento una Mi3Rd@ por qué no me pegó como ellas las estrellas" esas frases me describen muy bien :'D por eso son mis favoritas:')|Es como estar en el 2008. Los que tienen 30 me entenderán xd había mucha música de este estilo sonando en todas partes.|DIOS COMO AMO ESTA CANCIÓN|Merece single|Te amo wey, pinches joyas de canciones 3|Escuche esta rola en vivo en el tecate peninsula y no mames me cambio la vida, te amo bruses|You don´t understand, I´m obsessed with this 33|Si, soy bruseslover nací por mi madre y moriré por bruses.|Quiero convertirme en tu clave de wi-fi amoooo la canción esta genial |Fua, le dedique esta canción a alguien y me digo Esquizofrénica. Unos días después terminamos 3|Bru ojala haga article oficial de internet luv esta cool la letra|Bru ojala hagas article oficial de internet luv esta cool|soy adicto a buscar la atencion|DIOOSSS ESTA CANCIÓN QUEDA PERFECTA PARA EN LINEAaAaAaª Banda leanse ese webtoon, ta bien chilo |Esta canción es tan innovadora y real al mismo tiempo|amo letra amo bruses amo creacion amo todo de ella su voz su forma de vestir su caracter |Buses tiene una canción para cada etapa mediocre de mi vida|Man esa canción me apareció en recomendadas para ti la escuches y ahora está canción me encanta|Gracias por darnos esta jolla me encanta y me identifico un poco mucho que gran trabajo♡|Amooo demasiado está canción ♡♡♡♡|Yo necesito, necesito una versión de una hora escuchando esta canción para ponerla mientras escribo artículos o hago cosas AAAAAAAAH UWU Querida y amada Bruses, hice pasantías en un periódico por un mes y me toco ir super lejos, y esas 3 horas de viaje de ida y venida, era yo escuchando este álbum por todo el mes, me marcaste una etapa de vida entera y por eso ti amu UWU|Esq con todas sus canciones me identifico |No dejo de repetir la rola diario|Es de mis canciones favoritas|Eres increíble Brus|HERMOSA COMO SIEMPRE ❤|A brus si le aplico la letra q dice PISAME LA CARA Q TE CUESTA|Amo la canción ❣️|Alguien más piensa que quedaría genial como intro de una serie o película adolescente .|Me encantó, estoy escuchando tu álbum y es demasiado bueno, lo amo|q buen álbum bruses ✨|6/10 de mis menos favs|Estan preciosas las canciones Bru, sigue asi ♡|me gusta mucho tu canción es es es de mis favoritas tus canciones son mis favoritas y yo soy la única que te escucho no escuchado otro cantante alguien más solo a ti te escucho es la de mi favorita sí me gusta mucho tu estilo y además me visto igual como tú adiós|Моя улюблена пісня з цього альбому|Yo se que llegaras muy lejos, eres tan talentosaaaa|No esperaba una canción que describiera tan bien mi situación actual. Quiero que él me quiera pero fuera de pantalla :[|ya tengo canción para mi próxima pixirelación, vamooo|Canciones que necesitaba en mi mood❤️|ESTADO: IDENTIFICADXXXX AAAAAAA QEPIKO TODO|un día le conte todo lo que siento a bruses y al día siguiente saco este álbum, jajaja me encanta saber que no soy el único que se identifica tanto con estas canciones BRUSES TE AMO |estaba esuchando a soto asa y me recomienda esta rola, muy buena 10/10|Amo las canciones de Bruses. De verdad que quede fascinada con Amor desechable y así es como estoy aquí|Estoy enamorada de tu álbum |NO MAMES ME ENCANTA ESTA CANCIÓN ❤️❤️❤️❤️|Monstruos? Monstruos mí almbum fav♡|¡Wow, Qué genial! ✨ Simplemente amo está canción|Ya escuché todo el álbum y estoy enamorado, gracias por traerme esta felicidad. 3 Yo? Yo amo todo el álbum |Vtubers cuando consiguen novio:|Mi cancion favorita de Bru, me hace volar a otro mundo 3. Te amo muxisimo Bru!! Sigue asi|PORQUE PENSE EN ELLA?????????? AAAAAAAAAAA|Ya tengo canción para dedicarle a mi crush ✨|El ritmo es muy adictivo.|Amé esta canción como siempre maravillosa tu |Si siguiera con mi ex fácilmente se la dedicaría,pero no pq las relaciones virtuales no me funcionan|Amé esta canción|bru trasmite tanto en este álbum no hay canción con la que no me sienta indentificada|Creo que todas las canciones de este álbum son mis favoritas AKSJSH33|Bru, pisame la caraaaaa, amo todas las canciones |Omggggg woww|Me encanta mucho el tono de esta canción 3|Esta cancion es la que canto en el concierto de toluca? Por que la recuerdo y me encanta|Quien mas estuvo en el concierto de toluca y amo esta cancion desde ese momento|UFFFFF ESTA BUENA ↗️↗️|Muy bueno el tema de bruses amoo todos tu temas gg |Me encanta los art covers|Esta canción la ame desde que la cantaste en el tour y ya me la sé |Me encanta esta canción merece mv|uff porque me identifico tanto con sus canciones?|AL MENOS 20 REPRODUCCIONES SON MÍAS AMOOOOOO|De mis favoritas dios amo amo esta muy chida, justo ahora me gusta una chica que conocí en linea y esta canción es todo lo que pienso al hablar con ella gracias Bru|BRUUUU AAA literal me esta encantando tu album escucharte llena una parte de mi , tIENEN TODO, ME SIENTO RE ORGULLOSA DE TI, DE VER TU PROCESO ETC AAA|Me puse ah bailar y todo con esta canción son como las 11 : 50 pm y creo que más de algún vecino es desperto.pero la sensación de bailar no es me pudo quitar|TE AMO BRUUU 3 ! AMO TU ÁLBUM|Diossss! Bru, cómo haces para que me encante cada canción que haces? ♡|Basta, recién la escucho y ya la adoro 33|Eres una ching0na ❤|Meteme todo tu pendrive por mi ranura del USB La canción:|Ya escuché todo el álbum y estoy enamorada, gracias por traerme esta felicidad. 3 |superas te mis expectativas|Oh por dios , me he enamorado de todas las Canciones de este álbum , hace tiempo que no me atrapa un álbum por completo , pero este… Wow eres otro nivel Bruses. |Amo el álbum. |Esta fue la canción que más esperé desde el concierto|La amé ♥️♥️|Amoo❤️‍❤️‍|Esta canción es para todas las personas que tienen relaciones a distancia |Recuerdo que el concierto en Toluca cantaste está cancion, me encantó y desde ese día estaba esperando asta escucharla!! Es mi favoritaaaa. Bruuu! Cantas hermoso y tus canciones son irremplazable❤ te amooo|Te adoro bruuu!!!! No sabes cuanto amor esta canción y me encanta gracias gracias espero verla en uno de tus concierto|Te amo Bru ... ✨✨|Mi nueva canción favorita. Cómo es posible que bru siempre describa también todo lo que siento? Te amo bru ♡|Me sentí lleno con este álbum|escuchando toda tu música en pleno 24 ❤‍|Identificó Con la parte "porque no me veo como ellas las estrellas"|Hermosura de cancion bru te amooo✌︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎|SALIO BIEN, LE GUSTO AKSJSJ|@♡; Miss love oh no|AY NO SE LA ACABO DE DEDICAR|NOOO, JSKDJF, pta que mal, pero ya llegará la personita indicada a tu vida. ️✨|ANOTADO! ✨✨|Concuerdo contigo, de esos animés de romance|Sip yo pienso eso mismo ✨|Bru es una Diosa 3|Me siento igual|Felices los cuatro|Y si, yo tengo dos relaciones a distancia (es abierta xd), dEah.|@レジナ igual yooo|Si soy ✌️|A mí me recuerda a mis bias |@Brangiemireligión dónde encuentro el concierto en yt no lo encuentro por ningún lado|@Erola Vilarroig Escarmena no eres superior por ello|@azucena romero ☹️|Que suerte tiene algunos :(((|Los de mi classe: Escuchando mierda Yo: Escuchando pura belleza Bruses❤️|Daniel fala meu brother ! Teve uma vez que meu irmão alugou três fitas de mega drive, jogos bons foi tartarugas ninja, Shinobi 3 e outro que não me lembro mas a intenção era alugar o street of rage 2 era lançamento e meu irmão não conseguiu mas blz , aí tava a galera na casa da minha tia jogando os jogos alugados quando chega um vizinho nosso ele nunca foi de alugar fita mas neste dia ele foi e nós não acreditamos no que ele tinha alugado...o lendário street of rage 2 meu foi coisa de louco baita lembrança! Abraço meu querido|Essas histórias nostálgicas são muito boas....o primeiro jogo q joguei nas locadoras tbm foi mega drive... aquele cartucho de 6 jogos em um|Época muito boa! Quem ficava devendo nas locadora levanta a mão ✋ kkkkk|Ficou muito bom|Todo mundo sentiu isso em 1990|Faz um vídeo a respeito de toda a relação do Michael Jackson com games (ou só com a Sega), no meu canal MJFanForum já falei um pouco sobre. Abraços|Ah pular o muro da escola pra ir em locadora... Quantas vezes fiz isso...|mortal kombat xl|vendo esses vídeos sinto nostalgia de uma época que nem cheguei perto de viver, isso é incrível|Ei pode pode jogar beast Wrestler|Muito legal, pra quem gosta da vontade até ďe chorar rsrs|Realmente quem viveu a época era surreal mesmo .|Remetem a uma época nostálgica em que os jogos eletrônicos já faziam parte de toda criança ao lado das risadas com os amigos e familiares jogos trazidos, dos desenhos da TV, do futebol e sim foi uma geração boa de se viver tudo era revolucionário.|Primeira vez que vi um mega drive e um nintendinho em 1992 foi numa garagem de uma casa a primeira Locadora da minha cidade quando vi o Sonic e o Mário do nintendinho ficamos bobos porque não sabia que existia esses games era de um cara que tinha vindo do Japão.|A primeira vez q um megao foi na locadora próximo a minha escola... Estavam jogando tazmania, caraca vi os gráficos e só pensei.... Igualzinho do desenho.... Curto muito o Mega. Mas ainda prefiro o NES |Eu tive super nintendo jogava o mega na casa do meu amigo.|Você conta muito bem essas histórias. Muito legal |1:16 eis quando as cabeças das crianças e adolescentes explodiram, vendo esse comercial na época.|Eu jogava super monaco gp, cara que nostalgia...|Sou Nintendo. Mas quase me tornei Sega quando vi Sonic pela primeira vez. Justamente numa locadora dessas. Sou de Manaus e passava as férias em Itapema-SC. A locadora ficava num shopping de beira de praia. Lembro perfeitamente dos gráficos e da música. Alguns anos depois, em Itapema tb, num fliper, joguei Tekken pela primeira vez. Pqp...|Nessa época eu tinha um atari 2600 e eu ganhei um mega drive e eu so tinha o street fighter 2 era sensacional pra quem jogava atari pular uma geraçao e ter um mega era coisa de luxo|Cara bem nostálgico mega drive|Olá meu amigo, Daniel! Like SEMPRE para você! Conferindo aqui o seu trabalho, PARCEIRÃO! Rapaz, que NOSTALGIA PURA, demais! Eu adoro assistir as suas: (Histórias das Antigas) A sua Memória é Fotográfica, nossa! Dá hora, mesmo! Meus parabéns de verdade! Muito obrigada por compartilhar conosco a suas LEMBRANÇAS Inesquecíveis, daquela época, Sensacional! Valeu! Um FORTE ABRAÇO para você e TMJ.|Batman pra mim foram os javas Hahhah e é muito nostalgico pra mim|Essa época das locadoras era top. Pena que o que passou não tem volta. O que temos hoje é saudade.|Dani conta do dia que vc zerou The Tick kkkkkkkkkkkkk mezenga|Era legalzinho mas nada se compara a Nintendo, q tinha além dos melhores jogos tinha muito mais jogos.|Adoro muito vídeo game antigo|Massa a história|Eu lembro pouco das apresentações que eles faziam, no SBT e Manchete eram canais que mais colocava comerciais de jogos e mostravam lançamentos. Era massa mesmo.|Melhor época dos vídeo games .. continua ai man com as história é da hr|*Salve Brother Daniel Games das Antigas... Excelente a sua história sobre o Mega Drive... Meu primeiro contato foi no emulador com o Sonic... Aqui na minha região era mais popular o Super Nintendo que você visitava na casa dos amigos e locadoras!!! Super Joinha no seu Conteúdo Top Man...* ‍♂️✌|Quem nunca matou aula na década de 90 pra jogar vídeo game na locadora , que época em .|Engraçado essa lembrança de 1993, via muito anúncio de master sistem com sonic na memória vendida pela tec toy.|História das antiga do dany das antigas.|Legal eram os campeonatos de street fighter aos sabados, a galera esperando a locadora abrir pra participar, só os feras e melhores do bairro, oh tempo bom que não volta mais |Época boa demais, eu jogava na locadora de Arnardes do bairro José Hometo em Araras-SP, nostalgia pura em tudo|Troquei meu mega por uma cavaquinho, nao aprendir a tocar e nem sei onfimnq levou|Que top essa história cara! Sou de Brasília, me identifiquei de mais haha' meu irmão ganhou esse mega 3 também e passamos muitos anos jogando somente o Sonic 2.|Nas locadoras, a história do Mega que eu me lembro era o fato do Mortal Kombat poder fazer a senha (a gente falava senha, hahaha) para colocar sangue.|As locadoras era sucesso total e era a salvação pra quem não tinha aparelho em casa,pois era caro demais ter um vídeo game e entra em cena as locadoras que cobrava tempo pra jogar!!!|Anos 2000

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    Contact us today to discuss your requirements and get
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    Whether you want to bring colour to your home or are looking to refresh the image of your
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    in Sydney. We know that choosing the right colour is probably the hardest part of the painting process for you.
    That’s why we provide a colour consultant to
    help you choose the colours that work best for you.

    Our uncompromising view on quality painting has seen Summit Coatings consistently recognised
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    and follow Occupational Health & Safety guidelinesat all times to ensure we
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    on the quality of both the products we use and
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    We have many years experience painting corporate and commercial premises.
    Previous projects include Corporate Offices, Retail Premises, Pubs, Bars and
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    Our commercial painting work across Sydney speaks for itself.

    If you are looking to paint your property, you’re
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    Backed by extensively trained and certified professionals, we have the best painting solution for you.

    At J&E Kogan, we have over 45 years of experience in painting corporate and commercial premises.
    From large scale office and shopping complex exteriors to the
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    we commit to delivering a complimentary inspection.
    With over 15 years experience painting in Sydney,Sydney commercial painting & services has developed a strong reputation as being a premium provider of commercial painting
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    working with businesses and warehouses and will ensure your new project or existing premises renovation will shine with excellence.
    We understand that you don’t have the luxury of waiting while you’re in business since time equals money.

    For School Principals we offer painting services to coincide with school holidays to minimise inconvenience
    to students and teachers. Normally an estimator is sent out to
    inspect the commercial property on the same day and the estimator
    will have a detailed painting quote emailed within the
    same day. Commercial Painting estimates are based on the level of preparation required,
    Amount of Coats, Paint Type and more. The best way to seek a painting estimate is
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    Our comprehensive commercial service and competitive pricing will make transforming your
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    For over 30 years, Brushworks has been serving the people of Sydney, providing
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    You can consider hiring commercial painters Sydney when there is fading, cracking, blistering or chalking.

    When left unattended, these failings in your paint can cause
    damages to your exterior surface, and those damages can lead to expensive repairs.

    We pride ourselves on completing your project on time and within budget while ensuring that the highest quality standards are met every step of the way.
    For larger projects such as schools, we can schedule your job to coincide with school holidays and have the job finished by the time the doors
    open again. Just a quick line to say thank you for your recent works at our building.
    It is always a painless experience having Premier in to carry out our maintenance painting works.
    Meaning all our tradesmen are inducted through OH&S standards and regulations and as a
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    We endeavour to keep workspaces tidy and presentable at all times.

    You can come to us with a proper vision, knowing exactly what colour your ceilings, walls,
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    We don’t just paint your commercial space but we
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    Furthermore, our Sydney commercial painters use only the best paints and
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    We are able to provide once-off repaints or commercial painting maintenance
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    This is the second time we have used Colour life Painting.
    Our painters understand how to prepare a surface and which paints will work best
    in any given situation. This way we can ensure the best possible results,
    with no compromise on durability or quality. Once we reach an agreement on the detailed scope of
    the paint job, our painters Sydney will get to work, equipped with the latest in painting technology.
    It’s part of how we can guarantee quality work every single time, on time and to budget.
    Plan your interior painting Talk to a professional about how long the painting will take before it’s complete.

    Our commitment to our craft has been recognised by
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    We currently hold 26 awards for excellence, 12 highly commended, and
    have placed as finalist 51 times. We use only first-class paint products and
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    We aim to maximise the output of our projects by communicating closely with our
    clients. Whether it may be timing requirements, colour consultations and/or paint recommendations each project is treated and managed accordingly to suit
    the individual requirements. We understand that every painting
    project is unique, which is why we take a personalised approach to every job.

    With our skills and expertise, our painters and decorators
    ensure you achieve the exact style and colour scheme you desire.
    They did an excellent job of painting our 4 BR House interior as well as Eaves.

    They arrived right on time on all days exactly as promised and
    Depending on the surface, they’ll use a mixture
    of scraping tools, sandpaper, and chemicals to remove as
    much paint as is needed, ensuring proper safety and ventilation throughout.

    If you’re looking for a Painting Professional with
    over 40 years of experience, then Mi Painting’s commercial
    painter Sydney team is your answer. Whether you’re looking
    to paint the exterior or paint the interior of your
    commercial property, MI Painting’s team of Sydney Painters will do a
    fantastic job. Want a special paint finish to make your
    home extra special, personal and unique? Interior painting for residential homes is the most common job local
    painters have, and all start with them coming to quote
    your project.
    The crew at ASL Painting will begin the process
    with an on-site assessment. We will also offer several options to fit your budget.
    Trust the painters at ASL Painting to assist you in every way with your residential painting needs.

    We paint all types of materials including timber, concrete, bagged exteriors and rendered.
    If you have older style bricks and you would like them refreshed, we can paint those too- ask
    us about modernising the look of your home’s exterior. It’s amazing how a tired
    drab exterior can be given a new lease of life with the perfect paint job.
    Contact us today for an inspection on your home- we proudly offer free written house painting quotes
    that we can tailor to your budget. Our professional house
    painting service can help you achieve an immaculate paint finish for your house, giving it a “show home” feel.

    With our 20+ years experience and professional workmanship, we are the house painters you can trust with
    your Sydney home.
    You were punctual, professional, neat, knowledgeable and answered all our questions perfectly.
    This was our first time in having our house repainted since
    it was built and we can see your work was 100% quality at its best.

    Thank you for being professional and I look forward to using your painting services in the future.

    I haveKaren from Miranda, NSW posted a job for Painters on 25 October 2017.

    I have no hesitation in recommending Eric and his services.
    I confirm that Eric Kim of Advanced Painting was engaged by us to paint our
    entire 4 bedroom house both, inside and outside. Eric was not only
    able to produce an excellent outcome with his team;
    in fact, he was able to complete the entire job within the deadline committed by him before starting the job.
    He is a decent and well-mannered person who has the skills to produce high quality finish
    in his painting job. We found him to be reasonably priced and very accommodating in ensuring safety of our furniture and fitouts while painting the house.

    We are affordable Sydney painters, who market ourselves on trust and quality workmanship.
    If you need painting services for residential or commercial property, requests a free
    quote today. Our professionals will assess your needs and provide
    you with a competitive free quote for the job. We take the time to
    get to know what your project goals are and work hard to achieve them for
    you. Even if you have no idea what colours to
    use or how to update the look of the interior or exterior of your home, we can advise you.
    We have hundreds of colour samples, finishes and mouldings
    before you to review as part of the selection process.

    Working at 3 Colours means being able to commit to the highest level
    of craftmanship and work in a team environment to produce outstanding results.
    If this sounds like you, we are interested in hearing from
    you. We have the capability to repair substrate faults and
    other remedial building works that may be required before painting is undertaken. Leader Nick was very impressive which gave us confidence to select BrushWorks.
    Eddie and Adam worked very efficiently and got on well with family members which made a huge difference.

    Painters Sydney Top rated Korean Painters Sydney Fully insured
    and Licensed
    We are just a call away, you can consult with us, and we’ll help you choose the right type of painting for your property.

    So, your need to look for commercial painters near me ends
    here. Call us immediately because we are here to help you with the best solution. We have been painting commercial properties such as warehouses,
    strata title blocks, retail shops, service stations, office fit-outs, schools and universities for
    over 16 years. Brushworks takes pride in using high quality and innovative paints.

    This good practice limits any hazards and keeps the workplace safe for
    everyone. And encourage on-site project meetings to discuss your needs and to offer
    the best options and solutions available. We outline options
    for paints, techniques, colour schemes and approaches for your
    project. From large scale office and shopping complex exteriors to the interior of small retail shops,
    educational facilities, medical clinics, strata, industrial spaces, and more.
    No job is too small or large, we will help all
    types of businesses make the important first impression to customers.
    We ensure we work hours suitable for you with minimal disruption to your business,
    so that we complete the job in the quickest time possible – without of course compromising on quality.

    When you hire commercial painting contractors Sydney, we will take care of every aspect of your project, and
    you can concentrate on running your business. Moreover, professional
    painters will even come outside of work hours to perform the job without
    interrupting your regular working hours. We have years of expertise, and this means your jobs will be done with perfection. Before the beginning of
    the project, we will prepare the surface to ensure a quality finish.

    The materials and paints that we use are of premium quality and are environment-friendly.
    We send to your commercial space only experts who are skilled
    and all equipped to undertake the concerned work.
    Our Sydney painters are highly skilled in all aspects of the painting,
    licensed and have all the accreditations in order
    to operate any access equipment to complete your project.

    For larger projects such as schools, we can schedule your job to coincide with school holidays
    and have the job finished by the time the doors open again. Regardless of the job,
    we offer the highest level of service and expertise
    to every project we take on. At J&E Kogan, we have over 45 years of experience in painting corporate and commercial premises.

    We abide by all SafeWork Codes of Practice including Spray
    Painting and Power Coating, Lead Risk Work, Confined Spaces, Asbesto Awareness, managing electrical risks, Managing the Risk
    of Falls. We meet the requirements as set out in Australian Standard AS 2311
    Guide to the painting of buildings and the Workplace Health and Safety
    Act 2011.
    What sets us apart from our competition is our commitment
    to quality workmanship and maintaining a high standard on all our paint
    jobs. I was advised four days to paint entire house, they did it in three.

    They were professional, punctual and cleaned up after the
    job was finished. Vince and his team are easily the best painters to have around your house for whatever painting you need tended
    to. Vince is very easy to communicate with and will gladly help you with whatever he possibly can. I recommend ASAP painters to all of
    my friends and family without hesitation.
    The right high rise painting services can help you create a valuable, more durable exterior.
    You can protect your building from various damages and maintain it easily.
    Contrary to this, neglecting maintenance for multiple years will only cause more damage.
    If you believe your building can be better, then call our professional painters for re-paint
    From roof painting to plastering, we can execute every task
    at optimum prices. When you work with Mi Painting, your
    painting project begins with upfront and transparent painting quote.
    Once you’re happy to proceed with your painting quote, we
    will take care of everything from there. Our Sydney Painters are well experienced and will approach your project with the
    motivation to complete another fantastic job.

    Our expertise in the area enables us to provide unmatched service quality and high durability.
    Our painting services Sydney are designed to offer you top-notch
    results. This is why we don’t hesitate to
    offer a 10-year warranty for workmanship. Our Sydney painters uses
    quality products to offer you unmatched results.
    Every painting task completed by Sydney Metro Painters is carried out
    using quality products and with the help of commercial painting contractors in Sydney.

    We paint commercial buildings around Sydney and its surrounding areas.
    Ensuring total peace of mind, ease of communication, and a quality finish, when you
    enlist us, you are choosing the best commercial painting company.
    Aside from commercial painting, Brushworks also offers other painting and maintenance services to our clients.

    The Painting Services that we provide in Sydney come with a quality guarantee, ensuring attention to detail and complete customer satisfaction. A lot of
    our clients highly recommend us over other painting contractors.
    We are Dulux accredited and we do every painting job with perfection. At MI Painting we offer professional painters in Sydney who provide quality service at affordable prices.
    We are committed to delivering high-quality workmanship and customer service.

    Fortunately, Sydney Metro Painting offers abseiling painting in Sydney for all types
    of customers. Whether you need high-rise painters or professional painters in Sydney for commercial painting, we have a team
    that can help you. Our abseiling painters utilise commercial machinery along with quality techniques to conclude the exterior painting work.
    We utilise the best rope access painting techniques to ensure safety
    and high quality.
    We are hardcore professionals in everything we do, from the quotation to the clean-up.

    Our professionally organised and systematised painting process means that you can relax and remain without any worries.
    We realise that your painting vision is practically executed and actualised.

    If you would like your business painted, we can schedule our teams to
    finish the job over a night or during the weekend. Thorough planning is one of
    the most essential aspects of painting within our Painters Sydney team,
    which has been perfected into a validated painting procedure.
    Our surfaces are specially prepared and our paints are well-known brands in the market.
    At every point, we not only offer excellent workmanship, but we will also keep you updated.
    Dulux Accreditation and established industry connections allow us
    to offer our clients access to the latest products and painting systems,
    ensuring durability.
    With a depth of experience, we can tailor our services to
    suit your individual requirements. We have a highly experienced commercial painting team, who will take on any job ranging
    from a café to an office block. We have a range of paint options for you to choose from, and we will offer
    you some advice if you need it as well.
    Our crew members have completed commercial painting projects for schools, educational
    institutions, churches, offices, shops, hospitals, health care
    facilities, car parks, corporate buildings, etc. At Sydney Metro Painting, we believe in quality, professionalism and honesty.
    We are a leading painting company in Sydney with some of the
    best-skilled painters.

    Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Painting Contractor
    While painting may seem like a straightforward job - slap paint on a wall, right?
    - as with most things, the larger the task, the more complex its execution. And painting large-scale commercial properties is no exception, with projects this size having their own particular nuances that are best understood by expert commercial painting contractors.
    Additionally, as previously discussed, the type of plaster your commercial space has will be significant to the
    durability of your paint. It is recommended by interior
    and exterior painters to avoid using gypsum plasters as its soft surface tends to develop cracks easily when installing wiring and wall decorations.

    Therefore, business owners should treat the two differently as a simple paint job can just as
    easily go south, when done wrongly, resulting
    in lost money and time invested. Contact us
    today to get a quote on any commercial painting
    services. Brush Paint Wall takes safety very seriously on commercial painting
    jobs. Our team is fully trained and certified in all
    aspects of safe painting practice, and we adhere to the highest safety standards on every job, no matter how
    big or small. When determining the cost for your painting project, commercial painting contractors Sydney look
    into the following factors.
    Have you ever wondered why your walls look dull only a few years after being painted?
    It is generally because of poor application and preparation of surfaces.
    Choosing which type of paint is appropriate for your project is the most
    important step. We will help you decide if water or
    oil based enamel paints is best for your project.

    Our project was definitely one of scale and any issues that arose, Programmed were there
    to discuss options to achieve the best outcome.
    They may need to cordon off an area, but will be sure to avoid going into areas where office or factory workers are working.
    At Brush Paint Wall, we take safety seriously
    when it comes to commercial painting projects. Painters often work with ladders and other equipment that
    can be dangerous if not used properly.
    A professional and complete paint job is going to help improve the
    resale value of your commercial project. With
    Metro Painting Groups team of highly trained professionals, we
    can consult you on the proper colouring and design for your
    commercial exterior painting. Choosing the right colour scheme for your commercial painting project is crucial to its success.

    We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and provide you with a free, no-obligation quote.
    If you’re looking for a reliable, professional and top-quality
    commercial painting company in Melbourne, then look no further than Brush
    Paint Wall. We are a second-generation, family-owned company
    that takes pride in our work and our brand.
    8 easy steps for paint surface preparation - interior painting Paint surface preparation.
    You can be rest assured that Austar Painting and Decorating will complete
    your exterior painting project on time and within a stipulated budget.

    Our professional painters have extensive experience working on exterior painting projects and
    are more than capable of painting those hard-to-reach
    areas with quality and professionalism. Moreover, our professional painters are fully insured
    and follow strict Workplace Safety. We provide professional commercial painting services in the Gold
    Coast for all industry sectors. Our readily deployable resources, teams and equipment can deliver tailored painting solutions and ongoing
    maintenance for your property.
    With longer days and the sun shining, a lot of
    homeowners will be re... Not only is it environmentally friendly but also safe to perform within high-traffic areas such as offices,
    high-rise buildings and shopping malls, etc. The paint is atomised and
    then charged with an electrical current as it leaves the gun and is attracted to the metal surface being painted,
    practically eliminating overspray from the air.
    Interior painting is very important to keep your building
    looking sharp, but when poorly planned can cause huge disruption to your day-to-day operations.
    Your best bet it to contact as many reputable decorating companies as possible, such as Platinum 3 Painting, in order to get accurate quotations for your reference.

    However, if it doesn’t fade, it was most likely dyed and would take a
    whole lot more time to re-stain. Cracking and flaking of paint
    happens quite often but they are comparably easy to avoid with the correct preparation. You can prevent or
    repair cracks and paint flakes by ensuring that you are working on a clean, properly sanded,
    cleaned and primed surface.
    For quality and durable finish, make sure that the surfaces are clean and
    undamaged. Since paint only adheres to clean, undamaged surfaces, any damage
    should be repaired first. This may mean extra labour hours and additional
    materials and tools. If the surface to be painted is textured, you may
    need to add additional paint as this requires
    more than a smooth surface. The painting industry has seen a number
    of technological advancements in the past decade,
    with new tools being introduced. We all know the power of a first impression, but have you ever thought about what
    your building says about you?
    They will project manage, execute and ensure the quality of each job.

    To deliver the right quality and service, all important aspects
    of the job will be liaised and communicated to the client.
    After each projects completion, we ensure the premises will be left in a tidy
    manner. To top it all off and for peace of mind, we offer a 5-year workmanship warranty on all
    completed jobs.
    Usher Corporate Design and Signage delivers professional,
    high quality and creative signage services for a wide range of architectural, construction and marketing signage projects right across Australia.
    Usher Access Solutions offers the complete range
    of high quality and reliable services for any type and scale
    of commercial, industrial or civil works project. Pick a high
    gloss finish if you’re planning to paint pantry and comfort room walls, pantry cabinets, bannisters and railings, trim, furniture,
    door jambs and window sills.

    Ace proffesional painting has carried out work for numerous highly reputable companies over many years,
    references can be provided upon request. Refresh your residential or commercial space with an eye-catching and unique look!
    Our expert painters in Sydney will breathe new life into your home or workspace,
    utilising vibrant colors to create the desired atmosphere. We’re professional in everything we do, from the quotation to the clean-up!

    We aim to give our Sydney clients the top-quality experience they deserve
    from beginning to finish. The result – is an incredible painting finish
    that transforms your home or commercial space. ASL painting are professional, friendly and super efficient!
    Very high quality workmanship and Amir and the team are super friendly.

    Our painters Sydney are among the best in the business. We make training one of our top priorities, which is why our team are fully Dulux Accredited
    and why we’re a member of Master Painters Australia.
    Considering the number of colours there are, finding the right colour
    for your space might seem like a humongous task. With our free and expert colour consultation service pick the colours that best go with the vibe of your
    place. Choosing the right white paint for your home
    When choosing the right white paint for your interiors, it helps to understand the science of colours and the connection of light.

    We know that your place will look sensational when we’re finished because we
    really know our stuff when it comes to painting. To give you
    the same peace of mind, we provide a 5-year Painter Workmanship guarantee.

    Our painting quotes are easy to understand and we know you
    don’t want any nasty cost surprises half way through the project so we’ll give you an upfront fixed price.

    Our customer support team is fully equipped to resolve all your issues and queries.
    Just reach out to us with your issue and we would help
    you get a resolution or find a solution at the earliest.

    Are you looking for expert painters with years of experience who offer reliable services at great value?

    Our team of professional painters has earned a reputation as the best in the
    business, and our glowing Google reviews speak for themselves.
    We are a contract painting firm, dealing in the trade painting industry for more than 30 years.
    We are experienced in all types of painting, wallpapering & waterproofing, Commercial, industrial & residential, in all types of finishes.

    No job is too big or too small as teams of 1 to 10 men can be arranged per your requirement.
    We can arrange a quote for any job or tender, you
    will find our pricing very competitive.
    I have worked in many parts of Sydney, mostly near the city.
    We offer the quality renovation & maintenance services including painting,
    rendering and cleaning services for those seeking a
    good change or keeping the value for their properties.
    Whether you want to bring colour to your home or
    are looking to refresh the image of your business, Painting Pros is proud to be the top residential team of painters in Sydney.
    We know that choosing the right colour is probably the hardest part of the
    painting process for you.
    Understanding the science of colours Scientifically, colour is an expression of light.

    Materials absorb and reflect specific wavelengths of visible light, which result
    in objects... We have painted and restored hundreds of beautiful homes that
    grace Sydney. Our advantage is our understanding of the importance of surface preparation which provides for longer
    lasting and better quality coatings. "Jean-Paul did an outstanding job on our new front door ,which looks simply exquisite! We highly recommend Jean-Paul and..."
    Spray painting for residential painting jobs is becoming popular because it
    offers even coverage and a consistent coat. It is also a fast process once all
    surfaces are taped and covered. The Painting Services that we provide in Sydney come with
    a quality guarantee, ensuring attention to detail
    and complete customer satisfaction. A lot of our clients highly recommend us over other painting contractors.
    We are Dulux accredited and we do every
    painting job with perfection.
    They are that good I'lI probably won't look for another painter or color consultant again. Mbros painting
    and decorating have supplied a complete painting service to Sydney and its surrounding areas for over 15 years.
    We pride ourselves on being punctual, neat, courteous and
    safety conscious. Excellent work completed by
    Matt and hes team needed some plaster and paint work
    to be completed, Matt was very prompt on getting the job organised and finish in reasonable time with hes team.

    Identify affordable painters with top reviews and ratings in Sydney.

    For over 20 years, Painting Pros has been Sydney’s home for routine property maintenance, epoxy floor coatings, wood staining and varnish, high-pressure washing, and more.
    For every commercial project, we focus on minimising the negative
    impact on your business and work with you to get the job done quickly and safely.
    If you have any questions about the painting process or the high-quality materials and
    techniques we use, we want you to feel comfortable asking us.

    Since paint stripping is generally a messy and time-consuming
    job, it’s a good idea to outsource it to a professional.
    Your professional painter can also help with graffiti removal and repainting, as well.
    Depending on the surface, they’ll use a mixture of scraping tools,
    sandpaper, and chemicals to remove as much paint as is needed, ensuring proper safety and ventilation throughout.
    We have over 13 years of experience in this space
    and also focus on using the best materials and providing the highest levels of customer service.

    Nothing was a problem and the preparation outstanding. Our main painters Paul and Tyler
    were extremely professional, clean and meticulous. Hi Eric,
    We just want to thank you for the excellent work you performed, painting our house at Wood croft.

    HILLS SA 5050
    You can protect your building from various damages and
    maintain it easily. Contrary to this, neglecting maintenance for multiple years will only cause more
    damage. If you believe your building can be better, then call our professional painters
    for re-paint services. You can be rest assured that Austar Painting and Decorating will complete your exterior painting project on time and within a stipulated budget.

    As you are trying to clean up the finishing product, you came
    across drips and spills... You can do exactly that if you hire a painter who has in-depth knowledge of different types of building paints so you get
    the perfect colour and the best shades to achieve exactly what you want.

    We understand that the condition of your painting is a reflection of our workmanship and your property.
    Therefore, achieving flawless results is just as crucial
    to us as it is to you. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should turn to a commercial painter.

    We're proud to be a part of the exclusive, invitation-only, accredited
    Dulux painters group. The Dulux accreditation allows us to offer you an industry-leading, 5-year warranty
    on your project. Exterior paint coatings are essential for the protection of your commercial building.
    They also have a significant impact on the appearance of your brand.

    This is a large office space painting project performed
    by Hammer and Brush. We have the team in place to deliver fast
    turn around times and quality work. Finally, a commercial painter will have contracts and discounts on supplies that you can't get on your
    own. Doing large-scale projects gives commercial painters plenty of benefits, which they can then pass on to you.
    We offer these services all across Australia because we strive to become your one-stop-shop for all your building maintenance and repairs.
    So, talk to us if you need more services than just commercial painting.

    Painting your place of work is the quickest method of increasing its value – picking the right
    painting contractor helps you achieve maximum results for your business without overspending.
    We use the highest quality materials and premium paints
    to paint the commercial properties of our clients. There may be additional preparation work
    required such as removing old paint or graffiti
    and cleaning walls that can add to the overall cost. This equation also helps determine the
    cost to paint a single room. The size of the room or building
    influences the amount of time it would take to be painted.

    If you have a large project, such as multiple offices or a large exterior painting project, a
    larger commercial painting company may be a good choice.

    They have the necessary equipment on hand and have painters who are experienced at working from heights safely.
    They also know how to avoid disrupting workers during normal
    working hours. They may need to cordon off an area, but will be sure
    to avoid going into areas where office or factory workers
    are working. Our experienced team of painters in Perth and
    Mandurah are committed to providing you with exceptional commercial painting services at competitive prices each and every time.

    We can provide a custom quote without obligations, giving you a clear idea of the costs before
    you commit to working with us.
    At Usher Commercial Coatings, we’re committed to delivering you a
    professional and issue-free commercial painting experience.
    And for us, this comes down to transparency not only during the tender process but also throughout the life of your project.
    Our estimating system provides you with a detailed breakdown of every surface to be painted with the necessary scope of works to allow for
    effective project management and minimal disruption.
    My team’s skills with a brush guarantee that we can apply more than just a coat
    of paint to your walls, we can make them magnificent.
    We are fully qualified painters and tradesmen, and all of our work complies with Australian and industry
    standards. Several Commercial painting of Gold Coasts services are available, but you must ensure that
    they are reputable and competent. You may locate these types of expert painters online by contacting your neighbors or friends who have already employed a reputable painting business.

    This all has to do with the colour scheme, the texture,
    and the mood that you want to create. There are so many
    choices out there but getting a professional’s opinion is
    the best way to figure out how to help your business flourish by
    leveraging its aesthetics. When you check the quote, ask questions
    and seek advice on anything you don’t understand. When you are convinced, sign it and
    get the contractor to sign as well. If you have both endorsed the quote, it is legally binding
    and making a future complaint if problems arise will be much easier.
    Choosing the right exterior paint for your home can be a confusing task.

    Commercial painting is important for making great first impressions and attracting new customers.
    Commercial painting also helps protect the building exterior from costly structural repair or replacement issues.
    Once you have our shortlist, it’s time to do some in-depth research.

    Ask for references from each painting company, and follow up with their customers
    to see if they are still happy with the work the company provided.

    I am very happy with the result and would have no hesitation in recommending Delicate Painting for their high quality work.
    I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone and will definitely be using
    them again to do any of my painting work that I require in the future.
    Rauno and Derrick were both very professional in their approach to their
    work and the end result bears testament to this.
    We will be having them back to complete the interior of our home in the
    next few months ... A great job, professionally completed
    to fit in with my schedule. This ensures that our painters have done everything right the first time.

    As one of Australia’s leading commercial painting contractors, Usher
    Commercial Coatings specialises in new construction and repaint
    commercial painting services for a wide range of industry sectors.

    Austar Painting and Decorating is a full-service painting company offering a complete range of
    commercial painting services. We offer a high standard of
    professionalism, knowledge, and excellent service in every
    commercial project we undertake and are committed to
    completing every project on schedule and within budget.

    Employing Elite Painting as your commercial painters Perth is the best and most cost-efficient way to go about getting your office space
    painted with a quality finish. Put all your painting requirements into
    our hands and enjoy a hassle-free professional painting process at
    your convenience and to your specifications. Our motive for commercial painting
    projects is to provide a new life to the building. This
    is why we take extra precaution in the colours we choose and the process we follow.

    Then, our team prepares to offer no or minimal disturbance to your staff in case
    they are working nearby. Being a largely coastal city and located in an area that
    is richly endowed with physical, natural resources, Melbourne is one of the best cities to live
    in Australia. In fact, the city is consistently ranked as one of the best places to live in the world.
    The city’s unique geographical position, however, leaves it at the mercy of weather elements, some of which can cause serious damage to the integrity of buildings if left unattended.

    Best Painters in Sydney NSW 3 Free Quotes
    Our painters Sydney are among the best in the business.
    We make training one of our top priorities, which is why
    our team are fully Dulux Accredited and why we’re a member of
    Master Painters Australia. Leading edge painting prides itself on its standard of work and aims to achieve the
    very best quality in every project. We are committed
    in providing top quality work at affordable rates.
    As a Dulux accredited painting company, we
    commit to delivering a complimentary inspection. Our first interaction with clients is where we
    set the standard.
    Are you in search of the leading provider of painting services in Sydney?

    At Sydney Painting Professionals, you’ll find a team of trained professionals standing
    by to assist with commercial and residential painting projects.
    When you want the utmost in specialised skills, courteous service, and professionalism, we’ve
    got you covered.
    We always ensure to follow up with the health protocols mandated by the Ministry of
    Health and other health organizations for the safety of everyone.

    I am very happy with the service Eric provided from start to finish.

    He was quick to respond, provided a same day quote and completed the job in the agreed time frame.
    He showed up on time everyday, worked hard and even did
    a fantastic job of packing up.
    This is followed by the prep work and two or three coats, depending on the surface.

    I have not yet received a receipt for the $4000 I paid. However there is a sprinkling of paint on some things in the house.

    I would not hesitate to recommend Eric Kim for any painting works that people may
    require at their dwellings of place of work. So, if you
    have a commercial space that is in need of painting, get in touch
    with our commercial painters in Sydney and avail
    of our expert painting services. I have engaged Nick and his
    team on many occasions to spruce up my rental properties between tenants.
    Nick has an eye for detail, he is punctual and efficient.

    Plus, quality work increases the value of your property.
    Regardless of whether your home is a newly constructed building or a renovation, trust ASL Painting to
    look after all your residential painting needs. We know what a headache it is to choose
    the right painter, which is why we offer free quotes so
    you can make your decision with confidence.
    We are Dulux & Taubmans accredited painters and decorators Sydney.

    All our painters put forward quality workmanship
    to ensure that your painting project turns out exactly how you imagined it.
    Your business, nursery, or feature wall will stand out from the crowd with a graffiti mural, or larger-than-life artwork.
    If you have a design ready to go, your painter can enlarge this onto your walls, or design a custom piece for your home
    or office.
    We have a rule in our company to answer your call in three minutes, deliver the quotation in three days,
    and finish a painting in a minimum of three weeks.
    While every project tends to be different, and the timeline may
    be different depending on the service you need, the size of
    the projects and the complexity it requires. We can work around a schedule that would be convenient for you.

    Called as had seen them working on other houses in the area and their
    worked looked good.
    We have more than 20 years of experience as painters Sydney, and we’ve created a nine-step painting process to ensure a consummate job
    every time. I would like to compliment Michael and his team
    from Ruby Painting on the job they recently completed painting my
    factory and office areas. From the initial consultation right through to
    the final inspection, they have been professional,
    personal, and meticulous in their work.
    We also cover all furnishings and spaces with sheets to prevent them from splattering.
    Definitely please to recommend ASL to anyone looking for a house painter.
    After reading the reviews of Asl painters we decided to contract
    them to paint the exterior of our house. The experience
    was absolutely stress free and we are very impressed with the
    quality of their work. Amir and his team were professional, polite and nothing was too much
    trouble. They were punctual, left the site clean and tidy each day, and Amir’s
    advice on colour was spot on.
    Painting businesses who specialise in commercial projects will have large
    teams who will use spray guns to speed up the coverage of such large areas.
    Local painters can also help you with any timber maintenance,
    as wood needs more regular attention than other surfaces. The most common problems
    are paint flaking or timber rotting, especially on window frames and doors,
    balustrades and timber fascia that are exposed to the elements outdoors.
    The first step for any interior paint job is for furniture to be moved and/or covered with drop sheets.

    If you have a commercial premises like a shop, factory, warehouse or any other non-residential facility, then you should get quotes from painters who specialise in commercial jobs.
    Roof painting is a specialised job that requires know-how and the right
    equipment for working at height, so is best left to local professional
    painters. Looking to hire a local painter for your next home improvement project?
    Painters can help you freshen up your home, choose new colours that look good - and give it a new lease on life.
    Let's take a look at all the services they can help you with.
    He provided high quality service & I am very happy with
    his work.
    They cleaned up well and were very considerate.The outside verandah eaves
    and railing and posts were also painted.

    The railing was a very fiddly job and was done exceptionally well.

    We are very happy with the job at a good price and friendly,
    punctual, trustworthy people. Amir was incredibly flexible with time and budget.
    His team are super friendly and professional.Strongly recommend this Company for any
    residential and commercial services. Amir and his team had a very challenging project with our house,
    their work was highly professional and they went above and beyond
    our expectations.
    As Commercial Painters, from small stores to shopping centres, the painters at J&E Kogan have worked exclusively with commercial
    and industrial clients for more than 45 years. I wish to convey my appreciation for the wonderful
    work that Dimitri and Michael did on the interior and exterior
    of our home. They were both professional, punctual and courteous.
    They did a great job matching existing colours and always checked
    with me that I was satisfied with the finished result.
    When more painting is required in our home I will certainly be
    in touch with Summit Coatings.
    Our commercial painters in Sydney are trained and well-equipped to handle any commercial painting project and make every effort to ensure perfection. Your commercial premises should
    be inviting and presentable so that you can create the best impression for your clients and
    customers. We work with you to choose the right colour for a commercial building to create the right aura for your business.

    Keeping your business operating in the middle of the
    painting process is important.
    If you look at the attachements, I need the grey section painted in white colour.
    The paint charge can be added ontop Sydney CBD Location. A children's outside cubby
    house is in need of some carpentry repairs and then cleaning off of some
    built up mould and a repaint on inside and out.
    Happy for a more detailed quote once you see the job. Make your home stand
    out by switching up the look of your deck, fence, or patio.

    When you book a home painter via Airtasker, you
    get to work with specialists who can readily paint your outdoor
    fixtures and make them look great all year round.

    Commercial Painters in Sydney
    Yes, we offer a 5-years workmanship warranty on all projects
    completed by our commercial painters Sydney. We will assign a supervisor
    to oversee your painting work throughout the project to ensure high-quality results.
    We do proper planning, manage, and execute the project to
    make sure that nothing is left unattended. At Brushworks, we complete the work to its perfection the first time itself.

    We offer excellent client service, meticulous attention to detail,
    and high-quality work. Furthermore, we ensure that your business painting Sydney is completed on time, on budget, and to your satisfaction. Along with the qualities, we will also note and look after your project requirements and choices,
    from the type of paint to the paint colour you want. As professionals, we also customise the
    painting solutions after analysing your commercial property and your
    needs for painting. If you are about to choose a commercial painter in Sydney, we
    have years of commercial painting experience and are
    second to none.
    No matter what kind of paint you want, solid or with
    a zebra pattern, we have it. As a leading painting company, we have the best crews
    who can complete the job quickly and efficiently. Thanks to our assistance, your nursery, bedroom, dining room, or kitchen can have the correct
    finish. You need your building to make a strong first impression on partners,
    clients and customers. We have you covered, with a history of
    quality work stretching back many years. We commit to providing the service we promise, staying on schedule and under budget despite any setbacks.

    They’ve tackled large and small jobs across Sydney metro,
    from painting office buildings and commercial premises to government buildings,
    heritage listings and hard to access large scale projects.
    Whether your project is large or small, time consuming,
    or simply needs to be done right, unobtrusively, and quickly, the team at Upscale Painting Sydney is here
    deliver exceptional work on time and on budget.
    As professionals, we know that a detailed process leads to outstanding results.
    Over the years, our Sydney painting services has developed a precise 9-step painting process right from the quotation to the clean-up.
    That means that we produce the best possible result for you, our customers.
    Our process means we can be proud of the paint
    job we’ve done for you.
    I would definitely recommend this business and we will certainly use
    them again. Rest assured our team of Sydney commercial painters maintain your
    commercial properties, offices or maintenance rather than use dozens of
    contractors. You may not be able to paint the exterior of
    your property without being exposed to harsh elements such as saltwater from
    the ocean, or intense heat from unforgiving sunlight.
    Unfortunately, Australia has some of the most challenging conditions for paint.

    Fortunately, you can rely on professional painting experience to deliver excellent results.

    We changed our minds several times during the job and they were always very accommodating, made
    constructive suggestions and the quotes for extra work were very reasonable.
    We are extremely happy with the quality of the workmanship and the end
    result. Our house has been modernized without losing any of its character - a whole new lease of life!

    The entire team are a delight to have around and they
    take pride in their work. We would highly recommend Sam
    , Young , Danny and the rest of their teams for any external painting jobs.
    We are committed to delivering all commercial painting services with a high level of efficiency and
    attention to detail.
    The experts of Sydney Wide Painters are experienced
    enough to excel at all of these qualities so that you can have the best experience.
    We offer holistic assistance tailored according to the specific needs of our individual clients.

    Therefore, with our commercial painters in Sydney, all your commercial
    painting needs would be addressed and then answered.

    Come to us with your commercial painting needs and leave as happy customers,
    having availed of the best commercial painting services in Sydney.

    For smaller commercial painting projects, we can have the job completed in around a week from start to finish.

    As a result of our Roof Painting services Sydney, the home’s entire appearance is changed,
    as well as many other advantages. Let our certified
    roof painting specialists restore the beauty of your
    roof. Sydney Painting & Maintenance make sure to always stay at the
    forefront of our trade, adopting the best products and practices to produce great
    results, efficiently. Delivering high-quality interior and exterior building coatings and remedial work.
    If in the rare case, we need to come back to fix up any work, we always action warranty work as a matter of urgency
    to ensure that you are satisfied and there is minimal disruption to your day.

    If you’re thinking about selling your commercial
    premises, we offer economic pre-sale painting options. All of our services are available for smaller single-level
    buildings, multi-story buildings, and even high-rise buildings.
    No matter the size of your painting project we have a solution for you.

    Along with providing the best painting solution and being the trusted local commercial
    painter, we are here to help when you search for the best commercial painter near me.
    Delivering painting and decorating projects in a short
    time frame, completed to the high standard and within budget.

    Our painters and decorators follow a quality control process to ensure on-time delivery and an affordable price.
    You will have a project supervisor that will be your point of contact during the project.
    They’ll keep you in the loop throughout the painting
    process to ensure you know what’s happening.

    Our commercial painters in Sydney have hands-on experience,
    intense focus, and thorough product knowledge to provide dynamic
    painting solutions. For each commercial Painters Sydney, we employ the most
    efficient access preparation and commercial painting equipment, as well as the most appropriate commercial grade paints.
    The services for commercial painting may vary in terms of your needs.
    However, when you choose us, you will not have to worry about deciding on how
    to choose the correct paint. The professionals of Sydney Wide Painting
    will help you with that too!
    To provide clients with the best service, we only use the best products and use
    low-VOC paints. At Painting Pros, we offer complete painting services in Sydney and the surrounding communities.
    So, whether you need a commercial painter, house painter, industrial painter, or strata painting services, our
    team of experts can handle it. When it comes to interior and exterior
    house painting, our expert painters and decorators use a nine-step painting process and the highest-quality materials.
    When we say we’ll show up at a certain time, we stick to our word!
    Look at our Before & After page to see real-world examples of our amazing results.

    When you are in business, you don’t have the luxury of waiting because
    time is money. This is why you should only contact a reliable company
    for your commercial painting services Sydney. Our experienced team at A One Korean Painting are specialists of all kinds
    of commercial or residential painting.
    So, get in touch with our commercial painters in Sydney
    at Sydney Wide Painters and breathe life into your commercial space with the magic
    that colours are. Choosing Colour Life Painting means working with a team of professional painters in Sydney who are committed to delivering an exceptional job across all commercial projects.
    From retail outlets to office spaces, interior projects and
    complete exterior paintwork, our painters offer experience and expertise across
    all commercial painting services. We are a team of experienced painters and
    decorators, providing top-quality commercial painting services to businesses across
    They were professional and easy to deal with all throughout the project.
    They always started the job on time and were very systematic and orderly as
    they worked around the home. They ensured all our lighting fixtures and furnitures were well covered
    before painting and always ended the day cleaning up the area and leaving things in an orderly
    fashion. They were very meticulous in the edging,
    ensuring clean corners and edges. They quality controlled their own work, marking areas they
    needed to come back to and fix.
    Let our latest paint trending ideas help you stand
    out and make your home or office stand out. See how Pro-Asset
    has approached similar projects in your industry.
    Experienced and reliable project managers and trade qualified staff.
    Our workmanship is covered by a five-year warranty which is supported by
    our Dulux Accreditation. Provide your place with an out of this world look to impress your clients while retaining its cosmetic
    appeal for many years. The goal is for the painting system to
    last but equally be visually appealing for years to come.

    We’re proud to serve our friends and neighbours from Bondi Beach and Double Bay all the way to North Sydney, Willoughby, and
    everywhere in between. You can view a complete
    list of the communities we serve at the bottom of our home page.
    Our professional painters in Sydney have been fully trained and accredited.

    They follow our exacting preparation and painting process so that we produce the best possible painted finish for our customers.

    As Commercial Painters, from small stores to shopping centres, the painters
    at J&E Kogan have worked exclusively with commercial and industrial clients for more than 45 years.

    Our valuable knowledge and hands-on experience ensures that
    we can complete any commercial project, small or big, on time and on budget, all while meeting the highest quality standards.

    Commercial Painters Sydney Commercial Painting Company
    We believe in hiring and training our own people, which helps us maintain our high standards, and as a result our teams take a real pride in their work.
    All projects are managed by an on-site foreman, so you have a
    main point of contact for the duration of the works.
    We pride ourselves on our strong communication skills, and we
    will liaise with you for the duration of the project, so that
    you are aware of how your office painting project is progressing.
    All Districts Coating provide obligation free quotations at no charge.

    Hiring professional and exceptionally skilled
    painters in Sydney can give your place a new look.
    We are proud of the standard of our job, which is a testament to
    our highly experienced team. If you are looking for a clean, fast, reliable and professional painting
    business then pick up the phone and dial Sydney Painters – Sydney’s
    best office painters.
    Panache Painting & Decorating’s expert team of licensed commercial painters Sydney provide a prompt professional maintenance service for the Real Estate sector.
    We offer painting solutions that are efficient, cost effective,
    and focus on minimal disruption to both tenants and property management.

    Commercial painting is crucial for maintaining a positive business image and attracting
    new customers in Sydney. For example, a commercial building with damaged
    surfaces, such as flaking or ageing paint, may deter new customers from entering the business,
    resulting in the potential loss of new revenue.

    Also, as your office building is a valuable asset, it’s good to keep
    it well maintained with commercial painting services Sydney to preserve its future resale value.

    As one of the exceptional painting companies in Sydney, we
    take our work seriously to satisfy all our customers.
    We have many years experience painting corporate and commercial premises.
    Previous projects include Corporate Offices, Retail Premises, Pubs,
    Bars and Restaurants, and Schools. We wanted to renovate our home fully and found this gem company on Google.
    We have a friendly and reliable team that pays close
    attention to details regardless of the job size.
    Aqua Painting Services is committed to providing Sydney businesses with quality workmanship and above industry standard results.
    We focus on delivering a professional service and projects that are completed within an agreed time
    frame so it’s ‘business as usual’ for you. Hiring professional office painters is the
    best way to ensure that your office is painted
    correctly and looks its best. Office painting
    services can make all the difference in the appearance of your workplace.

    When you work with Mi Painting, your painting project begins
    with upfront and transparent painting quote.
    Once you’re happy to proceed with your painting quote, we will take care of everything from there.
    Our Sydney Painters are well experienced and will approach your project with
    the motivation to complete another fantastic job.
    Excellent work completed by Matt and hes team needed some plaster and paint work to be completed, Matt was very
    prompt on getting the job organised and finish in reasonable
    time with hes team. If making your property look good and pleasing is
    your primary goal, we suggest you go for commercial painting.
    After knowing about your property, we’ll analyse and help you understand whether or not you need commercial painting.
    If the walls of your property need an aesthetic vibe, we’ve got
    you an answer – commercial painting. Painting your interiors and exteriors
    are not something that you do every day and therefore proceeding with it would mean a
    lot of contemplation on your part.
    When you have planned to have your commercial space painted by commercial painting contractors, it is important to prepare your
    space accordingly for such services. For quality painting services, you can’t beat the experience,
    professionalism and personal attention of J&E Kogan,
    Painting Contractors. Our exterior painter Sydney team is experienced
    in Sydney, residential exterior house painting.

    We have painted Sydney homes such as 1970s red bricks, modern rendered and traditional weatherboard cottages.
    Additionally, we take care of every aspect of your house exterior
    cleaning while it is being painted.
    We will also always manage your project to an agreed timeline so that you can resume daily
    work functions as planned. Don't spend hours picking out
    paint and trying to figure out how to paint your property.
    Whether looking for a complete office makeover or just a fresh coat of paint, On Point
    Colouring Pty is the team you can trust.
    Our highly qualified technicians can make your interior and
    exterior look appealing, so why don’t you try it?

    Keep your flawless finish in mind, and move the brush swiftly across your walls.
    We pride ourselves on treating every commercial paint job as if we were working
    on our own offices, with care and diligence. The
    fastest way would be to send an email with a picture of
    the wall attached and we will get back to you within an hour with a
    quote. We can also arrange to come out and inspect your office for painting and can provide you with a
    written quote within the same day.
    We have been very happy with the results of their work and our clients have been very happy too.
    I would not hesitate to recommend the services of I Paint Sydney for both commercial and residential projects.
    Commercial painting services Sydney refers to the professional painting of businesses.
    Projects range from small to large scale, including office complexes, corporate buildings, schools, churches, shopping
    centres, hospitals, healthcare centres, car parks, and heritage buildings.
    Office painters Sydney have the experience and expertise to get the job done
    quickly, efficiently, and with minimal disruption to your business.
    Commercial painting projects are different from painting
    a home.
    We are able to provide once-off repaints or commercial painting maintenance services to suit your
    needs and budget. Higgins Coatings' reputation for excellence as a commercial painting
    contractor has been forged across a range of industries.
    When it comes to restoration and repair you can rely on Panache Painting & Decorating’s expert team of residential and commercial painters for quality workmanship at a competitive
    If you are looking for professional office painters in Sydney, contact us now for
    an obligation-free quote. Our maintenance painting services are designed to save you money by protecting your property
    and equipment, ensuring longevity and durability.
    You can download our tips on how to maintain your paintwork here.

    Interior & Exterior House Painting Services
    Check our residential and commercial house painting services.
    Our Sydney commercial painters have exceptional attention to detail.

    They’ve tackled large and small jobs across Sydney metro,
    from painting office buildings and commercial premises to government buildings, heritage listings and hard to access large scale projects.

    Are you searching for “house painters near me” on the internet?
    Or maybe looking fo

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